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Showing most liked content on 02/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Right, so catching up and two deaths in D2? Between the two, I am surprised it was Jeod that flipped TP and not Anon. I figured Anon would be that wild card element from his performance last game, but I'll take the Jeod TP death too. The big plot twist was calling TP as the hostile alignment then- Then posthumously claiming he was good in the end. Not buying it, CABAL.
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  2. Tiberium Resurrection 5.0 development update #2 It has been yet another month since the last update. I hope you all enjoyed holidays and rested a bit. In addition to that, we made some progress on the project, nearing the update 5.0 - the biggest update for TR so far! Here is just a fraction of stuff you can look forward to in the upcoming update: First of all, whole sidebar has been re-made from scratch. @bk57 (who is in charge of this) did an outstanding job matching TR feel and designing this beautiful interface for commander to work with. Here is the WIP preview! Secondly, all current (and upcoming 😉) radar movies will be enhanced, to deliver extra smoothness and color depth compared to their current look in the version 4.0. Next up, the soundtrack. The very fundamental feature of each and every game that can immerse player even more into the game world. @AlexTheDacian and @Hamed_Elite are doing an awesome job composing these. We even have some remastered OSTs from the original game. In total, the update 5.0 should feature more than 10 new tracks for you to listen to, here are some of my already-published personal favorites: The 2nd campaign map - Propaganda Forecast has been further developed. I believe its currently at about 1/3 of its development, with general look and outlines already done. I am currently finishing the details getting ready to do the triggers & scripts. There are some pretty cool things ahead of us related top this map, which I will discuss later, so do stick around! Here is the latest time-lapse vid from its development: In addition to the HUGE snow theater asset expansion mentioned in the last post, even more assets will be available for snow maps including crystal cliffs, paved road bits and road fixups. The monorail slopes have been fixed btw. Dunno what WW thought 😆 So, when is this all gonna be out? I can not say for sure, and I do not want to set release dates (since we all know I am bad at it 🙄), but I believe that the update can arrive in the first half of March. There is soo much stuff that has been done and even more than needs to be done. It will be worth the wait, I promise. If you want to contribute, we still search for more testers, voice actors and shp artists! In-case you fit into any of these roles and have some free time, please contact me on TR dicord: https://discord.gg/jwRerrV and help us deliver the best update possible 😏 See ya again soon 👋
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  3. Hello everyone, it's christmas time again and with it comes the last TR post of this year. Before I begin though, I would like to wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year! Stay safe and enjoy the holidays 😝 Secondly, I would like to announce a BIG asset addition to snow theater. As you all know, I am currently working on the second campaign map, which is snow so I decided to convert stuff from temperate to make the snow theater more viable option for both campaign and skirmish maps. So far, we managed to add the following items: fonas rocks civilian buildings billboards lamps logo pavement pavement cliffs red, green and blue crystal tiles It took quite some time, effort and troubleshooting to make this all work, so I would like to thank @Hamed_Elite and @Bittah Commander for helping me to achieve this goal! In addition, we have a plenty of new OSTs on their way! You can listen to the newest ones here: I would love to show you more from the development of the Propaganda Forecast, but that will have to wait for a bit longer. I am happy to inform you that the progress is going good so far and I am really looking forward to release it! For now, I will just leave you with this 😉 propaganda forecast.mp4 Have a great day!
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  4. I made this back in June of 2018. Pops up in my head every time I screw up. 15 minutes well spent.
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  5. I remember that thing in first Counter-Strike too, but it was a little bit different from APB. I just shot two snipers on cs_dust2 from basic automatic rifle from a distance of few feets, they were standing on spawn and aiming at gates. Not even bots, but experienced players, so that was lol too :D
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  6. Excuse me, Ms Girlfriend. Playing Renegade is not 'useless', it's a life skill. In fact, when a boy turns 17 there should be a mandatory 2-year Renegade tour. This will turn them into men and not the sissies we see today.
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  7. These are old ones but are still my Favorite Memes
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  8. Thank you guys for these wholesome memes
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  9. Hello Raap, where is my medal? With all honesty, Furs and Pushwall are best teammates a player can have. We managed to hold the frontline for a very long time + made a successful attack chances.
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  10. Ore Truck got stuck in the hole and was all bobbing back and forth. Duck, duck, duck, radar jammer. I think this is the same Rock and a hard place...and a tesla coil (offscreen). rush as Silverlight's picture with the damaged demo.
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  11. Barely saved him... Worst idea ever, warzzone said. ...probably. We were doing fine until warzzone spotted us.
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  12. Allied bandwagon. Under any circumstances do not let that guy drive ST again - he got us between both flamethrowers resulting in swift death.
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  14. I lost a lot of a old screenshots years ago and made me sad but I still have a few. But wasn't this Wasteland? I like this one cause somebody placed a flare and 3 engineers at point blank range could not disarm a nuke due to how laggy the thing was
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  15. Hello. It's not me you're looking for. Anyway, i brought some pictures from Hostile Waters (which happened like 5 minutes ago) Shhhhhhh. let them pass :> Some early game base defence. Another puny attack. Is it all, Allies? Your dad is not in this world anymore, little gunbote. You will share his last pain... soon. I have actually killed someone with Attack sub. Where is my medal? Go away Destroyer, shoooo :< Late game allied assaults got a bit more annoying. D4? Hit and Sink!
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  16. Back in my days of first months of Gamma, a brave detriment called Forget would actually steal anything from soviet base. Name it, and he will deliver it without sweat. I still remember those days, it was something like this: Me (PMing to forget when he was spy): Bring me V2? <2 minutes later> *Forget has stolen a V2 Launcher! <1,5 minutes later> V2 is parked in allied base on Seamist and im having fun sniping anything through bigger entrance. Also, some screenies Allied navy on the roll (Hostile Waters) Same game, victorious charge. Random me being useless with old clanmate Another random screenshot starring me and one of fellow MO players/testers
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  17. I see your Super Engio Bros and raise you the Tanya Twins. Also have a truck full of people who aren't clones for once!
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  18. Screenshot from earlier today. This LB rush ultimately failed, but it was fun anyways.
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  19. TechnoWars has been located!! A big thanks to Chaos for finding it on his PC! I tried many places but all links are dead. Anyway, more screenies!
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  20. *opens time capsule* For some reason, I never really took many screenshots back in the day (probably didn't know how for a while haha) but I found some in my really old stuff that look like they're from .9935 single player. They depict some old maps and some mechanics that are drastically changed now, such as water and elevators. I couldn't post (or even open) some because they're still in the old .tga (targa) file type. I'll try to get them open and converted. Don't remember the name of this map, but I remember the huge mega-tall castle...which I for some reason decided to jump off and skate down the side of like a boss I should totally be dead... Hey, who wouldn't? Dat gap A Phase whatnow? Old map called Treetop something...can't remember exactly. Treetop Jungle maybe? I believe it was fan-made. Probably more to come. EDIT: Found my beta multiplayer screenshots! I'll post some later.
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