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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Same. Most players are tough just on their own, but facing your doppelganger... That's psychological warfare at its scariest.
  2. Sorry for the minor necro, but having saw the movie last night, I felt it appropriate to place my review here. This film was awesome. Marvel knocks it out of the park once again. I'm overwhelmingly pleased that they set it up as a real conflict that you could plausibly see both sides of, instead of simply "Good guy/bad guy" thing. Without giving too much away, it does a good job at continuing old plotlines and character arcs (beyond the Cap/Bucky relationship) as well as setting up new ones while feeling like a solid movie on its own. Almost every one had some "cool" moments of them doing awesome things, and the two that stuck out in this department were Ant Man and Spider Man. Speaking of the latter, Spidey has about 30 minutes of screentime, he's done better than any of the previous movies. He's everything that I loved about Tobey MacGuire's Peter Parker mixed with everything I loved about Andrew Garfield's Spider Man. Oh, and don't worry, they only hint at his origin rather than playing it out yet again. However, the one that REALLY stood out for me was Black Panther. I knew very little about him going in, but coming out, I am a fan. He is presented as a very serious character, but not one devoid of personality or likability. I'm excited for his standalone film, and I'll probably catch up on him in the comics pretty soon. Overall, 10/10. I loved it. Go out and see it.
  3. What about the Death Star? or... (Spoilers) Starkiller Base? Why blow up a planet with slow moving weapons with long recharge times, when you can just as easily waltz in, blow up their defenses in seconds, then bombard the living crap out of it, leaving the resources still somewhat viable?
  4. The Eclipse. When you absolutely, positively, must kill every single motherfucker in the galaxy... accept no substitutes.
  5. Yeah the 2004 movie, Dirty Laundry, and even War Zone were good IMO. He's also done very well in Daredevil Season 2.
  6. Gotta say, the Iron Man armor really suits you.
  7. Assuming the AI doesn't glitch out, or Cap doesn't pick up on some new tricks. In other news, we interrupt this discussion to bring you a poster:
  8. You know who else can do that? Taskmaster. Just by observing someone, he can learn their entire skill set, and has watched clips of the Avengers on fast forward so that he could predict (and execute) all of their moves at a very high speed. And since Cap can beat Taskmaster, I don't think this is a major advantage for Tony.
  9. Why did you choose Flash? Aquaman would've made more sense IMO.
  10. Not necessarily, but you should read Dune anyway. It's one of the best books ever written, and my personal favorite.
  11. Whoa. WHOA. Nobody told me that freaking DARK TROOPERS are in this film! I'm even more excited now!
  12. There's some really good stuff in the comics. I'm more of a DC guy, though, so I don't know any Marvel storylines to truly recommend (other than Welcome Back, Frank). However, on the DC side, there's Flashpoint, Blackest Night, Hush, Court of Owls, The Killing Joke, Knightfall, Tower of Babel, Kingdom Come, Throne of Atlantis, and Injustice that I can recommend off of the top of my head.
  13. My name is Killing You, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm an ordinary modder, but secretly, with the help of my friends at W3D Hub, I fight hackers and find other C&C fans like me. I hunted down the man who killed the community, but in doing so, I opened up the game to new threats, and I am the only one fast enough to stop them. I am... The Flash!
  14. Technically, the most powerful member is Scarlet Witch, and the power difference between Iron Man and Captain America isn't very big. Iron Man has the most advanced weapons and armor of all time, while Cap has a nigh indestructible shield, super soldier enhancements, and advanced combat training. It's asymmetrical, but close enough to be an interesting discussion. Also, Bucky did get the serum treatment. He just got it courtesy of HYDRA rather than Howard Stark.
  15. I still wish Zama was an air map with no nukes. I liked how beautiful the map looked from above, and intercepting enemy assaults. Oh well, wishful thinking.
  16. Technically that doesn't really count, as that was the work of Red Skull, Crossbones, and a brainwashed Sharon Carter. Tony had nothing to do with it.
  17. *cracks knuckles* Well, if you want to play like that...
  18. What do you mean when you ask if it will fire like in Firestorm?
  19. Actually, Chris has one more movie after this one, so if Cap bites it, it'll happen in Infinity War.
  20. You might want to check your place for hidden cameras, in that case. Pushwall's a bit of a wild card.
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