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Map survey

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With all these balance threads and map requests abounding, I thought I'd make a little survey: Favorite map, why, and least favorite map, and why!


Favorite map: I love good 'ol Ridge war: might be a huge map, but the amount of crap and funny demos that go on on a regular basis make it memorable; from demos under the allied cliff, to 'nook rushes, this one comes in as my all- round favorite.


Least: Bonsai: Along with hostile waters, this is the one map I have never had a victory on, and for me, at least, a victory counts as a game where I made a meaningful contribution to the team, while being there from the beginning/ start of match. Also, 2 words: Roof flare.

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Ridge War is a solid all-around map.


I don't really have a true favorite however, there is a bunch I like, and a few I like less.


As for flares, Siege will have a flare deploy rule (script zone); You can only place flares on "normal terrain", meaning if you're standing with your feet on a mesh that is part of a building, the game will tell you "NOPE!". Which means flares have to be put in the open or near other terrain cover. If this proves to be successful, perhaps we can see it become a rule across all APB levels. I went this route instead of only blocking roof flares, since flares not being place-able on buildings altogether is much more straight forward for players to understand. (Edit May 29th: Siege will not feature Missile Silos any longer, following testing feedback.)

Edited by Raap
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Best map: Camos Canyon/Coastal Influence. As a mostly defensive oriented player/Long range support, those maps give me biggest scene to put my show on.

But if i really have to go for offense, i think Pipeline can be also put on my list.


Worst Map: I have personal grudge for Ridge war since NukeWinter, no chances to turn it back.


Also, roof flares arent non-disarmable. Several players can confirm that.

Edited by Alstar
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Lets see, I have not play KeepOfftheGrass wonder if its in Delta as I never came across yet but I do come across a lot of times playing Camos Canyon, Coastal Influence and Hostile Waters.


I would say KeepOffTheGrass follow my RidgeWar and than the complexity of complex.


EDIT: Forget the map that I rather dislike. I guess, ForestofIllusion, and stormyvalley. :aaa:

Edited by Kaskins
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Favorite map is hostile waters; to clarify when barracks is alive. I've had fun with RS ice burg mayhem. (runner up is Ridge war because of the diversity of successful and odd strategies)


Least favorite is stormy valley because of the dark, narrow, and tree filled attack routes. I feel there is not a lot of room to dodge tank fire. Or use RS infantry (the hills aren't accessible).

(Runner up is Complex, two words: tunnel demos (as in destroying buildings from underneath be it pp, silo, pills, FTs, service depots, etc.)

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Favourite map would be Hostile Waters despite the gripe(s) I have with it. I love the idea of a naval and air assault combination. Plus it's cool to launch infantry assaults wherever possible too.


Least favourite would be, hrm, Stormy Valley, I guess. Disliked previous versions of it, still kinda meh. Mostly because it retains the "kill ref to win" situation. Plus the ore distance is horrible, especially now they give reduced income. (actually, given the distance, would it work replacing the ore with mixed ore/gems?)

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Favorite? Oh man... It's a tie between RidgeWar and Keep Off The Grass. In addition to how beautiful these maps are, they're also quite unpredictable. Every match is different, even if people have caught on to certain strategies (i.e., blizting the Allied Power Plant on KOTG), it just makes countering those easier and opening new avenues.


Least favorite is PacificThreat. Every match, it seems, ends with the Allied leading a naval assault. Haven't seen a submarine here in a long time. It's just dull. Removing land vehicles has taken out a major element of this map, honestly.


EDIT: Retracting this statement entirely as I just played a match with a Soviet victory. I still don't like the map, but eh. Sorry if that offends anyone.


I almost put CI for both, funny enough. I like the map, but after some recent experiences, I harbor a special hatred for it.

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Looks like Stormy Valley needs a Coastal Influence-level solution to fix it's issues.


I'm surprised nobody is really LIKING or HATING the infantry maps. I personally would have axed them if it were my decision, until I could redesign them to feature base gameplay. Should be easy for Fissure, not sure how to handle it for FoI, and RockTrap has a scale issue that would make adding bases quite hard, but doable if the Camos Crossing approach is taken.

Edited by Raap
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Looks like Stormy Valley needs a Coastal Influence-level solution to fix it's issues.


I'm surprised nobody is really LIKING or HATING the infantry maps. I personally would have axed them if it were my decision, until I could redesign them to feature base gameplay. Should be easy for Fissure, not sure how to handle it for FoI, and RockTrap has a scale issue that would make adding bases quite hard, but doable if the Camos Crossing approach is taken.

Nah. provides some ridiculous variety, which is good for the game, especially fissure and FoI, because of the Easter egg there. Rock trap I will admit Im not that big of a fan of.

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Cool caves, waterfall, river, and plenty of lush greenery. RockTrap's appeal is the prettiness of the map, at the expense of the more fun/diverse gameplay available in other maps, imo.

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Cool caves, waterfall, river, and plenty of lush greenery. RockTrap's appeal is the prettiness of the map, at the expense of the more fun/diverse gameplay available in other maps, imo.


Give it a Camos Crossing treatment and you got yourself a solid map with more clear objectives.


If my Siege poll is any indication, domination mode can use some work anyhow.


Also read your PM's Chop. :<

Edited by Raap
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Best: Guard Duty. The simple layout, the dusk setting, the environment, the music (favorite music) and no campers hiding in gap generators.


Worst: Forest Of Illusion. Not because of the unique objective-based style but the rampaging "unknown" thingy is silly and the transparent soldiers are annoying.

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Looks like Stormy Valley needs a Coastal Influence-level solution to fix it's issues.


I'm surprised nobody is really LIKING or HATING the infantry maps. I personally would have axed them if it were my decision, until I could redesign them to feature base gameplay. Should be easy for Fissure, not sure how to handle it for FoI, and RockTrap has a scale issue that would make adding bases quite hard, but doable if the Camos Crossing approach is taken.

Stormy valley my solution more wiggle room instead of being locked in one of four routes. It helps with response time and reduces frustration.


Infantry maps break up the pattern. They allow me to look for the name of the player that V2'd or artillery' me last round and beat him or her in CQC. Yea not so tough without your tank are you!

Worst: Forest Of Illusion... And the transparent soldiers are annoying.

You've never hid behind one as cover have you? They do block bullets. Edited by Raptor29aa
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A 2-3 building base, either missing a Refinery or War Factory (or whatever).


RockTrap would barely have enough room for 3 buildings scattered around the whole map. And those would have to be the smallest buildings. Never mind having 2 sets of those 3 buildings. And they'd displace the control points too.


So it could possibly become a barracks-only map with... 1 control point.

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Stormy valley my solution more wiggle room instead of being locked in one of four routes. It helps with response time and reduces frustration.


I'm looking to solve that now. I'm adding a vehicle path (maybe 2) that connects the "gem route" to the "construction site route", adding an infantry tunnel connecting the "gem route" to the "narrow lake route", and widening the chokepoints near the ore fields on the "construction site route". The middle hills are also going to be made less lumpy and some parts of them made actually accessible.


I may also beef up the land defenses, and make the "narrow lake route" inaccessible to vehicles since a bunch of mammoths rolling down there backed by v2/TT are basically unstoppable. Either that or add a vehicle path leading there from the "gem route" instead of an infantry tunnel. Any more suggestions are appreciated, clearly stormy is a very disliked map.

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A 2-3 building base, either missing a Refinery or War Factory (or whatever).

RockTrap would barely have enough room for 3 buildings scattered around the whole map. And those would have to be the smallest buildings. Never mind having 2 sets of those 3 buildings. And they'd displace the control points too.


So it could possibly become a barracks-only map with... 1 control point.



Well I didn't say it would go without some map expansion, although I don't expect that to be a problem since we're talking space for a very small set of buildings. :)


clearly stormy is a very disliked map.

If only you named it SunnyAndClear Valley, people might have been less depressed with it. :(

Edited by Raap
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So here's my work so far on adding paths between the attack routes. The lighter rock "slopes" in the second screen have a shallow enough incline to be climbed, and yes, there's a rock "bridge".



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My favorite maps honestly are probably Hostile Waters, for its unique experience. KOTG for just general fun. Rock trap for pure chaotic fun.


My least favorite is Fissure (Grab Soviet Starshina, spam Buckshot, rack-up kills and K/D while simultaneously becoming THE target to fear), along with Stormy Valley for just being generally dull.

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Stormy Valley was the first map I ever did "major" editing on if the lumpy hills are any indication :p The hills should be a tad more believable after this revisit.


As far as I think it should be rename to gloomy valley as when I join I feel rather a bit emo. Dull like the others said. :p


But I can see there is a lot of effort put into it, but the outcome is not that good to enjoy the map. I would suggest maybe taking a look at the base layout. Buff up more defenses and make it like KOTG where you have walls and tesla?


Or perhaps its the pitch dark environment that wash out all the details and fun of the map?

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