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[GAME OVER] RA:APB-themed Mafia Game V (Big Fireworks Edition)


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  :soviet: Lynch 1 Result

[Lynch Dice Result] Alstar was chosen to be lynched by the dice roll (2.92)


[Lynch Result - Fail] Players have decided that Alstar is going to be lynched today!

After a quick realization, you noticed that Alstar cannot be lynched by no means necessary!

   :soviet: NIGHT 1




After the lynch, the night falls soon. The Outpost staff is getting ready to sleep and Allies are planning a night kill right now. If you have any Plan Actions you want to perform during the Night, please send them now via PM before next Day starts!



   :soviet: Night Guidelines


During the Night - Plan Phase (24 hour duration), Allies will have to decide to kill a Soviet player. They must also decide who will make the kill. However, certain people in both the Allies and Soviets have special roles they can use during the night to kill, protect, disrupt, or gather information. Some roles carry a certain risk while others give a little more freedom. When the new Battle Phase begins, everyone will see who has died during the night and find out what side they were on and what role they had.
Plan/Night actions are done classic way by the Private Message, same as resolved action replies. If you have a night action and do not inform me by PM in advance before the next Battle phase begins (preferably asap, but not later than one hour before the game starts), otherwise you do nothing that night.


Forum Posting during the Night/Plan Phase is limited - 2 posts per player max. Players who won't comply will either receive a gimmick or a force vote on themselves.


Additional Rules:

  • No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication.
  • No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod.
  • No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered.
  • Don't try to break the game. No sillyness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example.
  • "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it.
  • Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points.
  • No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and noone should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't.
  • If you signed up for a Mafia Game, you're expected to participate actively. It's up to a GM to setup a minimal post quota for each player so that the game won't get hampered by inactive players. If you know you won't be able to play for more than one day, it is your responsibility to let the GM know in advance.
  • Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example.
  • Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't upvote/downvote player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod
  • Don't edit your posts in game thread



   :soviet: Players alive/end day CVC


Time Left:
No time left
Alstar voted nobody
Category 5 Hurricane voted Mojoman
Chaos_Knight voted nobody
ChopBam voted Alstar
FRAYDO voted nobody
Jeod voted Alstar
Killing You voted nobody
Mojoman voted nobody
OrangeP47 voted Mojoman
Retaliation voted nobody
TheIrishman voted nobody
Voe voted nobody
4/12 votes casted so far
2 voted players are at a tie (2  each)
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18 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:

ChopBam was quick to jump in on that vote so close to hammer.

You got a problem with that, fardo?

Sometimes I am just not available to analyze everything and type out a huge thing. Especially on weekends.

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1 hour ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Yeah, that's great. We had a lynch that possibly might have revealed a potential scum team, but decided to lynch somebody else instead, get no information out of it other than he's a building, and only scum knows what that means.

Blown opportunity.

It's better than a mislynch, at least. Best case scenario, he's a Flame Tower and this works in town's favor. Even if he's not, it ain't over until it's over.

6 hours ago, ChopBam said:


##vote Alstar

I am following the above narrative and it makes sense to me.

This should be something for you guys to sleep on, by the way. It's the closest he came to a substantial post today, and it's incredibly bandwagon-y.

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10 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Yeah, that's great. We had a lynch that possibly might have revealed a potential scum team, but decided to lynch somebody else instead, get no information out of it other than he's a building, and only scum knows what that means.

Blown opportunity.

Not so. Not only did we not mislynch, we also brought out a suspicious bandwagon vote from ChopBam that helps confirm our accusations on a scum team.

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15 hours ago, Killing You said:

This should be something for you guys to sleep on, by the way. It's the closest he came to a substantial post today, and it's incredibly bandwagon-y.

Really? What about this post?

6 hours ago, Jeod said:

we also brought out a suspicious bandwagon vote from ChopBam that helps confirm our accusations on a scum team.

When I flip Soviet, will you eat these words or try to cover them up? Why would I call attention to myself like that if I were mafia? No, I am scumbaiting, and you + KY are among the first to jump straight into it.

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   :soviet: DAY 2


Yet another glorious morning, comrades! Or, it would be if some of you weren't missing! After a quick search of the base, you have found who it was!

Category 5 Hurricane, the Soviet Heavy Tank has been murdered by the Allies!



Unfortunately, another comrade didn't make it during the last night. FRAYDO, the Soviet Engineer was found dead!



We must not stop now however. Find and lynch the remaining Allies before it's too late!

Our warheads will be ready in 5 days! Protect the Missile Silos!                    

The Soviets win when they have eliminated the allied threat (all allied and hostile players must die).

The Allies win when they have managed to dispose of enough Soviets to outnumber them (or equal before plan phase).
If there are any Neutrals in game, they will win if they survive until the game ends with any of the factions winning.

If there are any Third Party in game, they will win if they met their special objective.

Special Win/Lose Condition in place: Soviets will win if at least one Missile Silo is operational on Day 7. Soviets will lose if all Missile Silos are destroyed!




   :soviet: Day Guidelines


During the DAY - Battle Phase (48 hour duration), everyone talks and tries to build cases against each other directly in the forum chat. While the Soviets are arguing to try and find the Allies, the Allies are trying to throw everyone off their trail.
The goal of the Battle Phase is to find somebody for a Lynch.
People will vote for one person they want to be lynched and the person with the most votes will die at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format:
##Vote PlayerName
If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who.
If a majority vote of over 50% is cast on one person, then they will be lynched right then and there, no need to wait for the end of the phase. When someone is lynched, everyone will find out their role and who they were aligned with. During the Battle Phase, players are also allowed to use their battle actions, such as ##shoot, etc. which will be resolved instantly. If the target players dies, he will be eliminated from the game and the game will continue (his vote will no longer be counted).
All BP/day actions need to be acknowledged by the mod before they are counted (just simple line to acknowledge so you know it came through, Current Vote Counts (or CVC) will appear periodically to inform you about the time remaining as well as the current vote status). Remember, without the mod acknowledge line, your vote or action doesn't count, so please don't do actions before the previous one was resolved. If it was missed, please use ##TIMEOUT command to stop the game, but only if it's really required (otherwise just repeat your action). All players are required to participate in chat, if one player stays quiet whole phase he/she might get role blocked for the next plan phase.



Additional Rules:

  • No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication.
  • No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod.
  • No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered.
  • Don't try to break the game. No sillyness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example.
  • "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it.
  • Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points.
  • No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and noone should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't.
  • If you signed up for a Mafia Game, you're expected to participate actively. It's up to a GM to setup a minimal post quota for each player so that the game won't get hampered by inactive players. If you know you won't be able to play for more than one day, it is your responsibility to let the GM know in advance.
  • Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example.
  • Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't upvote/downvote player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod
  • Don't edit your posts in game thread


   :soviet: CVC - Cumulative Vote Count


Time Left:
1 day(s) , 23  hours, 30 min, 14 sec
Alstar voted nobody
Chaos_Knight voted nobody
ChopBam voted nobody
Jeod voted nobody
Killing You voted nobody
Mojoman voted nobody
OrangeP47 voted nobody
Retaliation voted nobody
TheIrishman voted nobody
Voe voted nobody
0/10 votes casted so far
No votes casted so far
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Well, geez. Two NKs? This doesn't bode well. Anyway, nothing to report from me, and I might as well respond to something from overnight.

18 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Jeod, Killing_You, I want your opinions specifically on Mojoman.

My opinion? Well, the only things that tripped my sensors were these two posts:

On 7/15/2017 at 10:00 PM, Mojoman said:

Well we got a little under a day left, I want to hear input from Voe, Irish, and Retaliation.

@Voe you've been busy eh? That's why the quietness?

Voe never mentioned being busy, at least in this thread. In fact, his only post at that point was at best a jokepost aimed at Chopbam. His "interesting" comment also strikes me as odd, but we're talking about Mojo. Speaking of which...

On 7/16/2017 at 2:58 PM, Mojoman said:

Voe talking about chopbam getting it was in response to my




Or whatever I wrote. TBH I'm consistently all over the place in all my games. I really believe no lynching will screw town over. But if we lynch a building by accident we have to double check their claim. Even if they are a missile silo, watching them to see who visits them would pin down an ally. Honestly what I'm most worried about is an Allied pillbox. That would trip us up and get a few of us killed.


I most likely won't post before hammer but I really dont feel confident in voting anyone. Fraydo is his usual self, Voe was able to get in the game but said he was busy, killing you was just trolling. He isn't new enough to be like 'hey friendo, I like being friends, don't lynch a friend!'

1. How does he know that? For all we know, this could be coincidental as mentioned above.

2. Little bit of self-analysis going on there. Not the most townie move, especially if it's just "this is how I am" rather than "this is what I do and why I do it."

3. HIGHLY doubt an Allied building is in play. Allies need nighttime mobility to find and kill the silos. (With my luck I'm probably wrong, but that's my assessment of the situation.)

4. Again, Voe never said he was busy. So why did Mojo say he was with such certainty, on top of an "As you know" tone of voice.

I've got my eye on you, but I want to hear nightly reports from everyone first.

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17 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Voe never mentioned being busy, at least in this thread. In fact, his only post at that point was at best a jokepost aimed at Chopbam. His "interesting" comment also strikes me as odd, but we're talking about Mojo. Speaking of which...

1. How does he know that? For all we know, this could be coincidental as mentioned above.

2. Little bit of self-analysis going on there. Not the most townie move, especially if it's just "this is how I am" rather than "this is what I do and why I do it."

3. HIGHLY doubt an Allied building is in play. Allies need nighttime mobility to find and kill the silos. (With my luck I'm probably wrong, but that's my assessment of the situation.)

4. Again, Voe never said he was busy. So why did Mojo say he was with such certainty, on top of an "As you know" tone of voice.

I've got my eye on you, but I want to hear nightly reports from everyone first.


1. Misread before when people at the start were paging Voe because he hadn't jumped on the thread yet.

2. If I self analyze then other people can't speculate without calling me a liar :v

3. I definitely think an Allied building is in play to give stability to the Allied team in terms of lynches.

4. I misread things like I think I misread your number 1.

As for the nights events, there was no night action from me. If I was scum, I would not be stupid enough to target the guy who was SPECIFICALLY targeting me the most.

Either you guys are gonna be idiots and fall for a basic scum ploy to get my lynched, or maybe you can shoot me and try your luck :dance:.

Fraydo dying I have no clue about. He really didn't seem to be the best to target for a second night kill. I would have aimed for Jeod to try and push for a Chopbam scumteam.

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I see a few possibilities, but I'm going to have to limit things to the most likely/things that matter.

The allies might not have gone for the building kill because they feel they can do so at their leisure. It's basically a freebe they can do whenever, if Alstar is a silo. (I'm not 100% Alstar is a silo, or soviet, but I don't have more to add on that front at present time). Taking out Cat 5 is probably high on their list simply because he's so good at analysis.  I feel like his loss is a major blow to us. But what about Mojo? I'm still on the fence.  On one hand, that could be the most basic scum ploy ever, but on the other... Cat 5 is just such a valuable player maybe they felt he had to be eliminated ASAP.

Now FRAYDO... notice how the Cat 5 death specifically said the allies killed him, but FRAYDO, not so much...  What does this mean? It could mean a lot of things, but at a basic level, something fishy is going on. I'm not sure enough of anything at this point to speculate as to what that is specifically. FRAYDO seems to go out early a lot as an 'easy kill' by various parties. It leaves us guessing.

Since this was all N1 I don't think these two were targeted for their roles, for obvious reasons.

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Based on the wording of FRAYDO's death, I suspect a third party is at play. This is usually the case in games so large.

Allies meanwhile went for the gullet.

Let's follow, use, and continue Cat5's work up till this point since we now actually know with 100% certainty that he's not scum. He was going to target Mojoman to find a possible scum team so let's do that.

##vote Mojoman

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So according to my previous speculation, here's what we have. Woot, more tables!

Player Count:







Third Party



Heavy Tank



Role Blocker






Attack Dog/Starshina



Missile Silo




Missile Silo













Custom Role





Probably Not

Probably Not


Players Left:

























The reason why I think there are only 2 scum and 1 third party is due to FRAYDO's death without any alignment given to his killer. And the reason why I think there are only 3 hostiles is because 25% is generally fair for them, but if they were to have 33%, it'd give them too much of an advantage.

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I should also mention, after going through the role sheet again it could be that there's an artillery scumbag. Although I'm unsure and unwilling to check all previous games to see if an artillery kill shows the alignment. Anybody know?

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Alrighty, I'm home for the night. Let's get down to business. I think the most likely scenario is that the Allies targeted Alstar, and Cat5 protected him and died in his stead. This was the case in APB III when Nodlied targeted Cat5 (I think?) who was being protected by ChopBam. The Heavy Tank is a bodyguard and will die in place of the one it's protecting, even though the role sheet doesn't specify that.

I'm counting Alstar as town for the time being.

As for FRAYDO, we have a couple possibilities. He was targeted by a serial killer or, just as likely, he was targeted by a Soviet vigilante due to us suspecting him of a slip. Personally, I think Voe would be someone to target FRAYDO, since FRAYDO was the only one to voice that Voe might have a hostile custom role.

I still think Mojoman's trolling around, but I'll analyze his posts more in-depth in the morning.

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