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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Have fun choosing a color I'm not already wearing
  2. @Raptor29aa Normal users can't use html in forum posts (its a security precaution). But I tried "fixing" it, and it seems that the forum simply doesn't like the <iframe> tag, becasue this is the best I could get.... It might be possible but I'm not sure how to do it.
  3. The best one is the one wirh a single player power plant in one maps.
  4. Sometimes the servers may go down briefly for maintenance, or otherwise unexpectedly for some reason. Unless it is something serious, we don't typically announce it. The APB server will stay up 99% of the time. The Reborn server on the other hand crashes quite often, and we restart it when we notice that it is down.
  5. Lol thats exactly how they work. No power = no run. Modern day, with the exception of simple (definitely not military-grade) engines that rely on a mechanical distributor instead of a set of sensors and a ECM, everything you're going to find in both gasoline and diesel engines has a computer or multiple computers that are necessary for the basic function of "running". And that doesn't include other stuff like the gauges, automatic transmission behavior, every other system on the vehicle, each of which likely has its own dedicated computer module. Modern stuff has computers everywhere, so unless this is a 1953 M38A2 or such like, an EMP will definitely kill it. At least until a knowledgeable-enough mechanic gets ahold of it.
  6. Oh you know it! Good tutorial @Veyrdite, this is definitely well-put-together.
  7. 245 downloads

    This is the official game manual from 1.2.0 Beta. This was in 2007, and the project had once again changed hands somewhat, and was being developed at Bluehell Productions. This manual was originally distributed with the game installer, and was in html format. Technically it still is, but I've packed the whole thing up into this nice self-contained executable that also locks it to a specific size (1024x768) because viewing it on a modern-day-sized screen stretches it out and things get out of place and look weird. A single file is also more convenient and easier to preserve and distribute.
  8. Haha the original team would be proud. Just another useless tidbit: So the original 0.900 was a .pkg mod, which isn't really "cool" nowadays. Making it into a standalone wasn't really possible/worth doing (it would use the Renegade menu and tons of other stuff if someone did that), so instead I was able to fool around enough with it to get it to run in version 0.9915, which is 3 versions later, and standalone. And just FYI the two versions in between, 990 and 991; I can't find 990 anywhere. Its the only one I don't have. And 991 was simply broken, damaged in "shipping" and DOA. 9915 is nothing more than a fix to make 991 run at all, and they are otherwise identical. So now 0.900 lives on as a single map within 9915 (both of which are broken in various ways) See? There really are people in this world who are a wealth of considerably useless information
  9. Well, we've hit another snag, so I guess its probably a good thing that I didn't actually make a bet on this Not to worry though, you'll get it as soon as its ready! In the meantime though, I can tease something else that I've been playing with! (which may or may not ever see the light of day) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you......the first ever......*drum rollllll* 1080p screenshot of "Renegade Alert" version 0.900!!! Yes... I, for some reason, felt it was necessary to dig this dinosaur up and give it the 2019 TT scripts treatment. What you're looking at, believe it or not, is none other than "Keep Off The Grass", officially the oldest public map in APB (and the only map included in version 0.900). However, it bears almost no resemblance to its 17-years newer self. Why am I showing you this? Good question. Guess I'm just a nerd who enjoys playing with old forgotten games
  10. #triggered!!!!!! ##shoot ##ban Killing_You
  11. Do I need to give you a warning? This community has rules regarding excessive foul language, friend
  12. Hey you. Guess what. Thats right. It works now I can't say for sure exactly when this is getting released.... But if I were a betting man, I'd put money on one day this week
  13. @LiamGriever Sounds like you need to poke people to join discord VC, or hop over to TS3. We still have TS3 you know But yeah, I'm not sure why, but this does seem to be true. I guess people will be lazy or reclusive where they can. TS3 forces you to at least hear the convo.
  14. Glad you think so! We are ever-closer, and I'm running out of things to fix, so thats a good sign. This evening I've been doing some tidying up and trying to make this thing as streamlined as I can get it.
  15. This right here is precisely why I wanted to make this happen. As of the TT 4.6 milestone update today, and moving forward, this project will be using the most current public release version of the 4.6 engine. This is the exact same as any fully updated Renegade client/server installation, and only slightly varying from what the IA project uses. In other words, no forseeable compatibility issues
  16. Big thanks and shout-out to @dblaney1 for doing some scripts work which fixed a couple more issues we were having. One involved a bug with health on defenses, and the other was a modification which allows us to turn off some error checking on maps, which allows them to load and play normally, even though they might have hidden issues (which ultimately don't affect gameplay). At this point, there is ONE more known bug which needs to be figured out, involving the Allied Mechanic's repair ability. Once this is solved, we might be looking at a release!
  17. The button-pressed state for main menu buttons had a hard-coded black color value where someone forgot to rig up hud.ini keywords for it. The code to change it was there and functional, just with a hard-coded value for some odd reason. Likely overlooked a decade ago.
  18. 147 downloads

    Originally created by user Tesla066 for APB Beta in 2007 (when the TACO clan was still around). All I have done is updated the texture names to work with APB Delta. Simply extract the texture files into your APB install's data folder, which is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\data" by default. Thats it! Enjoy!
  19. View File TacoMolition Truck by Tesla066 Originally created by user Tesla066 for APB Beta in 2007 (when the TACO clan was still around). All I have done is updated the texture names to work with APB Delta. Simply extract the texture files into your APB install's data folder, which is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\data" by default. Thats it! Enjoy! Submitter Einstein Submitted 02/13/2019 Category Custom Textures
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