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APB Changelog

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Why the hell does the Medic even have an MP5? To try making people play with it more? Good God.


The fact that the medic now has a unique weapon has done something I've never done before; It made me want to play a medic. So yes, I think the objective was to make the character more appealing.


Makes me wonder if something similar can be done with other underused characters such as the thief, which is currently a one trick pony that, once done it's job, typically finds a quick end at the nearest flame tower, cliff, or lake.

Edited by Raap
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Well, after you get done stealing credits as a thief, you can steal vehicles as it has similar logic to the spy in that it ignores the cooldown vehicles get when they exit the war factory.


Other things I do not personally consider necessary since as soon as you are done with the thief, the money you stole can be used to buy something cool. Medics do not gain money however, so they did need something to make them more viable than an M16 which is somehow semi-automatic.

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Well, after you get done stealing credits as a thief, you can steal vehicles as it has similar logic to the spy in that it ignores the cooldown vehicles get when they exit the war factory.

are hinds supposed to have a similar cooldown? because I learned the other day that no, they do not. Either that or it disappears if the person who bought it gets killed before they can get in :|

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The problem is that they're two separate weapons, and thus need separate sounds. This was fine in Gamma. But I see no reason why the sound can't just be copy-pasted, given a new filename in the always.dat folder and one used by the hind and the other used by the pillbox. Sure it seems a bit redundant, until you start talking about sound modding.

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Nice update and needed changes but I hope you guys don't get to carried away to add weapons that didn't exist in RA1 the only exception was the shotgun due to it's appearance in a cut scene. I also found the medic just fine with a pistol and OP healing powers which sounds more historical then a mini machine gun. :p

Is it possible to set the default camo for units to match the map your in? I get tired of clicking the yellow arrow only to have it greyed out when somebody bought a tank. lol

Edited by Chad1233
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I also found the medic just fine with a pistol and OP healing powers

Funny, before he was given the M16 I remember him never being used at all outside of Fissure, except by jokers with a fetish for MRJ medic rushes on maps with no dome. And then when he was given the M16, it went in a completely different direction and people just used him as a regenerating rifle soldier instead of a medic (except, again, on Fissure).


The MP5 is supposed to strike a balance here and make him still more appealing than a guy whose SOLE purpose is to heal, while making sure he's not a superior combatant to the rifleman in all situations - just in super-close quarters. Which conveniently makes him pretty good in a building raid team where he has plenty of opportunities to do his medic job! It is admittedly rather overpowered right now though (if anyone remembers that Under match where an LST with 4 medics wrecked most of the Soviet base by itself despite meeting a lot of opposition) and will be toned down a notch in the next patch.


As far as RAlism goes, given how modern some of the Allies' hardware is, the MP5 is hardly stretching.


Is it possible to set the default camo for units to match the map your in? I get tired of clicking the yellow arrow only to have it greyed out when somebody bought a tank. lol

Not without having to manually re-set up the purchase lists for each non-grass map every time a unit's price/availability/camo options changes. This is at least done for the MRJ so it doesn't appear on maps with no radar dome, and it's painful enough just doing it for that one unit on a handful of maps.

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On the RAlism thing, I imagine that the MP5 was developed out of a need for a lightweight, cheap, and effective SMG. It was so effective that it was upgraded slightly and distributed across all Allied nations once RA2 rolled around. And in the Tiberium timeline, many set out to combine the accuracy and firepower of the M16 with the compact design, reliability, and low cost of the MP5. The winner, of course, was the GAU-3 "Eliminator."

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On the RAlism thing, I imagine that the MP5 was developed out of a need for a lightweight, cheap, and effective SMG. It was so effective that it was upgraded slightly and distributed across all Allied nations once RA2 rolled around. And in the Tiberium timeline, many set out to combine the accuracy and firepower of the M16 with the compact design, reliability, and low cost of the MP5. The winner, of course, was the GAU-3 "Eliminator."

While this is plausible, personally I'd do some minor modifications to the model to make it resemble early versions of the MP5, such as straightening the magazine and texturing some vents onto the handguard: hkmp5.1.jpg


These modifications are easily done and would distinguish it from AR's MP5, as well as making it more appropriate for the time period and showing visible developments in the years between RA/APB and RA2/AR.

Edited by Ice
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Honestly, did anyone ever really use Medics in RA besides missions that started you with them? I remember never wasting my time with them much at all. Same for online play also.


I don't agree with the MP5 for it to get used more. Why does it matter if people use it or not? Towards the end game, most if not everyone will be using anti-tank/heros due to the large amount of vehicles if the Refinery/War Factory are still around. Just seems silly to keep changing things away from what they've been for years. The pistol is just fine.

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If we're going to go with the "did anyone use this in RA?" argument, we might as well just make the only units in the game Medium Tanks and Heavy Tanks. And I suppose rifle infantry because those spawn on occasion when those units die.

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Honestly, did anyone ever really use Medics in RA besides missions that started you with them? I remember never wasting my time with them much at all. Same for online play also.

I always had tons of money and I didn't like to see my units die, so I would get medics. I haven't played online, but I would think that would be a different story =P

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If we're going to go with the "did anyone use this in RA?" argument, we might as well just make the only units in the game Medium Tanks and Heavy Tanks. And I suppose rifle infantry because those spawn on occasion when those units die.


Not really an argument, just honestly asking.


Anyways, my post still stands. Towards any kind of late game, most players would rather have a Mechanic in their vehicle. Most people would probably be saving credits for vehicles also, or just buy a Rocket Soldier that can actually make a difference when the other team has a bunch of vehicles. I'm just saying :v

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However, in a world dominated by vehicles, sometimes forcing the enemy to get out of their vehicles because an APC slipped by and invaded their war factory is a good thing. The major problem with a single pistol though is the medic is already at a disadvantage due to not gaining the points from killing the building (therefore not many people want to be him). He should at least have a weapon to allow him to contribute to a fight, but not BE the fight like in gamma.

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Anyways, my post still stands. Towards any kind of late game, most players would rather have a Mechanic in their vehicle. Most people would probably be saving credits for vehicles also, or just buy a Rocket Soldier that can actually make a difference when the other team has a bunch of vehicles. I'm just saying :v


I remember I would sometimes get a medic and Medium Tank so I could jump out to heal friendly Tanyas, with the idea being that the Tanyas would protect our tanks and artillery from Shockies and Volkovs, while our entire mutually supporting group blockaded the Soviet base and tried to blast our way in (the map being Fjord). Of course, this was dependent on teammates actually getting Tanyas to begin with...


Medic was also useful (probably still is) on AS_Seamist where you could hang out on the hill and help keep the friendly infantry alive.

Edited by delta
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Is there a way for the scripts to tell the difference between building damage and damage to base defenses? If so, why not just make it so he cant harm buildings, but still damage defenses.

I'd prefer to keep arbitrary weapon immunities to a minimum so as not to confuse people. This is also why the AK-47/TOZ secondary fires actually hurt vehicles/buildings now (though they both have identical DPS to the primary against buildings). I've lost count of the amount of derps in Gamma who spammed the AK-47's secondary fire against MCTs somehow completely ignorant of the fact that it didn't do any damage because omg it fires faster therefore it must be bettar!

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