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Everything posted by dblaney1

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Classic Map fixed by dblaney1. Changelog: Fixed tunnel entrance meshes to have non-broken collisions. Generated VIS and added hundreds of manual vis points to reduce VIS glitches. Pathfind is compatible with upcoming 4.7 bots. Bots can enter and exit buildings properly. Added lightscapes to the tunnels to match the light props that were on the map. Added green glow to the tiberium fields. Added crate spawners so that servers that use them may do so. Harvesters waypaths are configured so that they aren't obstructed by newly purchased vehicles. Interval between harvester loads is equal for both teams.
  2. Your best option if you are using a server that is not running dragonade is to use the brenbot gamespy plugin. Also make sure you have the latest server files from https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/server-4.6.9.zip
  3. Its back up as of yesterday.
  4. If you vape or smoke please quit as soon as possible. Your chances of a severe reaction are approximately 14 times higher if you have done either within the last 3-4 weeks. It has to do with the hairs in your throat becoming desensitized to needing to cough which increases your risk of pneumonia. The hairs do recover mostly within a few weeks. This is important for those young and old. We do not have enough hospital beds and respirators so the more people with severe reactions the more people will die if we run out of resources.
  5. Kaskins we can probably improve it by adding the lower tier items to the spawn object list multiple times.
  6. I got the 25th anniversary as well. The obelisk and Tesla coil got me lol. Had to have those.
  7. I will look into different warheads for sticky bombs. Something that damages tanks more and buildings less would be a good option.
  8. There are in fact people with reflexes that good. Have you ever seen people in the speedrunning community. They have even better reflexes than sniping requires.
  9. Quick correction. The TTFS folder is inside the IA folder itself and not in Appdata. C:\Program Files(x86)W3D Hub\games\ia-release\IAFiles\InterimApex\
  10. Next map it will use the correct model.
  11. I checked. The t-62 does in fact have the wrong model set.
  12. If the t62 has the wrong model when unupgraded that needs to be fixed and will be done asap. Its a pretty easy thing to fix for us.
  13. This is very unlikely to happen. Its far too much work to maintain and we make strings changes all the time. IA is also using an english only strings file so the base game stuff is all in english as well.
  14. @KaskinsI think we should consider adding the Toxin tractor back to nod as nod really needs a good pure anti infantry unit similar to gdis zippo.
  15. Thanks for reporting this. It should be fixed on the server once the next map loads.
  16. At the moment I believe its just a manual process. Set a reminder and unban him when its up.
  17. Download the game client on the w3dhub launcher. Its a standalone game.
  18. You can also harass harvs on Winter Assault pretty easily with amphibious units or flying units. I will ask kaskins to look into the torpedo boats as they are a bit underpowered.
  19. Several of the cheaper ships are specifically for taking out aircraft. Have one of those with your naval rush will take care of any anti tank Comanches.
  20. I think we need to just reduce the HP back to 100 like it used to be. That way a single mine kills them again.
  21. Its the server you are playing on adding those. its part of the ssgm/da vehicle ownership systems. I personally altered the code on my server to disable them. I only display the locked vehicle and free vehicle icons.
  22. Download the w3dhub launcher and the ttscripts 4.6. That will let you join all the servers. TT Scripts 4.6 http://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/files/scripts-4.6.exe W3D Hub Launcher https://w3dhub.com/forum/files/file/10-w3d-hub-launcher/
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