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New Members Introduce Yourselves Here

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Hello, and welcome to W3D Hub!

We are a community of hobbyists dedicated to the development of games on the W3D engine. Now that you know who we are, tell us about you! Perhaps you are new here, or maybe you played Renegade or one of our mods years ago and have found your way back? Introduce yourself!

And in case you missed it, please look over the rules, which are located at the top of the forum, or can be found by clicking here. If you have any questions about how things work, feel free to PM a member of staff here on the forum, or find us on Discord, Teamspeak, and of course in-game.

Thanks for stopping by, and again - Welcome!

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I'm still trying to figure all of this out, but I'll stop in and say hello regardless.


If there are new members of this community from other modding areas, I might be able to get some assistance with TFS.


EDIT: Also, am I no longer a tester for AR/TSR?

Edited by Bfranx
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EDIT: Also, am I no longer a tester for AR/TSR?


We've temporarily shut down our testing operation for the time being, but we'll bring it back once we are ready.


Indeed. Our tester group had been wiped. However, old BHP testers will have a much easier time re-applying once we start hiring testers. So don't worry too much about it.

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Hello everyone, new guy reporting from Zagreb (Croatia).

You've probably seen me around the CNCNZ.com forum as a regular, so yeah, I've come to check this place out a bit. I see some familiar names in the member list, most notably Plokite_Wolf and NaokiP which I know in real life. Good to be here in any case and best of luck to everyone that is taking care of the site!

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Guess I should say hello as well ;)


Some of you may still remember me from quite some time ago on the Renegade Forums, as well as seen me around the BfD and TR mods.

It has been a while since I moved around actively in a Renegade community but since BfD is in the process of moving over to here, so am I ^^


I personally see a lot of familiar names anyway :o

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