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Which old APB maps should we bring back?

Old maps to bring back (muh nostalgia!!)  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Which maps would you most like to see return?

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Which old maps should we bring back to the game? A couple on the list are already in progress, but we're interested to hear your feedback! Be sure to include your reasons for liking those maps and any suggestions you have. If your favorite isn't here, please be sure to mention it!

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7 minutes ago, NoSpoons said:

A Path Beyond for nostalgia ;D
although there were some issues on this when playing soviets (i cant remember what they were i just remember having them) I really liked the map :D and it was a right laugh to play :p

I don't think it's the issue I'm thinking of, but it might be because of LBs being able to raep the coils without too much trouble. 

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To be fair, I don't believe the Soviets had RPG Troopers back then. In any case, the map was a bit too large. I've been thinking of bringing it back a bit smaller, or having the bases not so wedged into corners, but brought slightly more centrally. Perhaps adding a navy would help, and this map could also debut the Tech Center.

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Voted for Metro, CamosCrossing, Fjord and Shallow Grave. Don't have much reasoning but...

Metro - I really liked the urban theme but I think it could become a tad bigger so that the silos stand a bit more a chance, the map became no fun when a quick rush obliterates your only source of income, partly in aid due to the distance between bases being very short.

CamosCrossing - the map itself was very unique in the sense that you, the player, had to gather ore for your team. It was a disaster back in Beta, possibly earlier, due to the Allies having both Mechanics and Rocket Soldiers, whereas the Soviets didn't get neither, making the Allied team grossly OP. I would omit commandos from the map too for obvious reasons.

ShallowGrave - not much to add other than perhaps a rework, much of it was bland big open spaces, could be resized.

Fjord - how many times has this map been mentioned (and even worked on) for a remake? Either way, I just remember that V2 defending was very fun there.



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Final Barricade should get an honorable mention. The problem there and with Allied Assault (albeit less), was the split bases. We could potentially use phone booths or outhouses to let friendlies teleport to the other side of very large or split bases.

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I'd vote for all of them, but I limited my votes to my top 5.

A Path Beyond:  It's just wrong to leave it out when it's the name of the mod ;)

Fjord:  I heard people don't like this map... I always liked it... IMO it was the map that tested my skills the most back when I used to play.

IvoryWastelands:  I, in general, just really like the snow maps too. If this is the one I'm thinking of I really liked it because of the vast open spaces too.

Metro:  Obvious, really. Urban theme is a nice change of pace, plus it always triggered some sort of nostalgia for Renegade for me. Not that I'm saying the mod needs to be more like Renegade, just that it's a nice feeling every once in awhile.

The Woods Today:  You may have heard me saying this that one game of Fissure we were all just standing around, but for some reason this map is the quintessential APB experience for me. Maybe it was the first map I played, I don't remember, but the music is typically my go to C&C soundtrack when I first start a binge. I think of it like Ridge War but more frantic.

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I remember The Woods Today as being the more strategic of maps, I believe because it didn't have any powerful base defenses but did have missile silos and a-bombs. More frantic, yes. It ensured more teamwork.

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1 hour ago, Jeod said:

I remember The Woods Today as being the more strategic of maps, I believe because it didn't have any powerful base defenses but did have missile silos and a-bombs. More frantic, yes. It ensured more teamwork.

Yeah, the silo plus no base defenses were the key to map being different. And endless drama about the allies having the height advantage and the quick vehicles. Might be a candidate for introducing the soviet ranger on if it comes back.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Yeah, the silo plus no base defenses were the key to map being different. And endless drama about the allies having the height advantage and the quick vehicles. Might be a candidate for introducing the soviet ranger on if it comes back.

Ah, the fond memories of initiating phase tank rushes + nuke while soviets were hitting our base with heavies and mammoths with techs repairing. Plenty of races against the clock.

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Looking back, I remember a lot of these maps. I think i'm going to go over what I remember of each of them (and whether I voted for em).

  • AlliedAssault: Good idea, flawed execution. Could work really well as a player vs bots assault, or as an... er, Allied Assault map.
  • AlpineLake: A bit bland, and way too big. Wasn't a lover of this map, really.
  • APathBeyond: A true classic, it'd make for a good modern map. Even if it is a big, BIG map. Hell, it'd be interesting as a Air/Sea/Land map. 
  • Bunkers: Another classic map that I have fond memories of, and with the greater toolbox of modern APB, it'd be even better than it was back in the day.
  • CamosCrossing: Oh god no. Oh please no. This map was... not fun. With an AI ore truck, it could be better, but as is, with the single player controlled ore truck? Nah.
  • Fjord: Another map I have fond memories of, and with the modern APB toolbox, would work well in my opinion.
  • Glacier (Metalfej edition): I don't quite see the point, the current Glacier we have is way better, in kinda every way. Disregard this one, I got it mixed up with Complex. (I do kinda think Complex does work as a better Glacier though...)
  • IvoryWastelands: Another bland, unremarkable map. Not a fan.
  • Metro: Another classic map, but it looks like barf and doesn't really fit APB in terms of art. It'd need a full on remake that the team just can't do.
  • NorthByNorthwestI loved this map back in the day, had some GREAT matches on it, blow the wall then APC rushes erry day. If there was one map that I'd want done first, it'd be this.
  • Partium: I... really don't remember this map at all.
  • ShallowGrave: Another classic map I'd love to see remade.
  • TechnoWars: The map itself is bland as all hell, BUT it had a Gap Gen, Phase Tanks and Camo Pillboxes all in .9935. Interesting purely for the stuff it had, not the map itself.
  • TheWoodsToday: A great map, with a combo of no defences AND nukes, it made for some hair raising matches. Now I think about it, the current Bonsai has taken on a fair bit of this map, in terms of having the missile silo and that. I'd love to see this map back though, to compliment it.
  • Volcano: Again, another classic, fun map from back in the day. It'd be nice to see this map back too.

So, yeah, that's my thoughts and votes.

EDIT: Oooh, actually, one last thing, I'd like to see ClassicZama again, with the bases right next door and a lot of unused map. I kinda miss that version of Zama.

Edited by CMDBob
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3 minutes ago, CMDBob said:
  • Glacier (Metalfej edition): I don't quite see the point, the current Glacier we have is way better, in kinda every way.

Can you elaborate? We don't currently have a Glacier, and the only other Glacier I'm aware of is the Aircraftkiller/Renegade edition, which I actually ported to APB at one point, but it was too large and meatgrindery.

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It's pretty hard to justify having no base defenses on vehicle maps nowadays, because no defenses was a big contributor to why so many maps in earlier versions of the game always boiled down to Allied LT rush = run circles around Soviet base = autowin. (The other main reason being needing donations to get HTs before Gamma, which can still be an issue nowadays if you opt to kap/flame rush at the start, but that's the risk you take.)

In River Raid it sort of works because there are very few avenues of attack and the base is closely surrounded by cliffs on all sides preventing LTs from using distance dodging to their advantage. It'd probably work on Metro too for the same reason. TWT and Volcano... ehhhh... RIP Soviets.

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Just now, ChopBam said:

Can you elaborate? We don't currently have a Glacier, and the only other Glacier I'm aware of is the Aircraftkiller/Renegade edition, which I actually ported to APB at one point, but it was too large and meatgrindery.

...now that I think about it, I think I may have gotten it confused with Complex. Whoops.

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1 hour ago, akhero47 said:

Eggman's lolmap.  Nothing beats tin can Yaks and googly eyed LTs.


35 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

I'm suspecting you haven't played LunarParadox yet...

Let's slap the lolmap's music on LunarParadox and call it even ;)

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3 hours ago, Synaesthesia said:

Haha, that'd be great if I could. I am unfortunately unable to do anything outside of the 60-80 hour workweeks I live through right now.

Geez...where do you live? Japan?

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My choices from highest to lowest priority:

A Path Beyond - The game's namesake map. I remember being able to get under the map and kill almost everything that can get into the MCT room of the conyard, and then some (and got kicked for it, ofc :3 )

Alpine Lake - There's something about me and large "scenic" maps. Alpine Lake was one of them. Condensing the bases a bit could be a little helpful especially when you've got nukes dropping at the other side of where you spawned.

Partium - This one is tied for Alpine Lake in terms of scenery. Plus, IIRC it's a symmetrical map. Partium was also that sort of meatgrinder map that I particularly enjoyed especially at high-playercount games. Basically whoever had the more powerful organized rush won the game.

Allied Assault - I remembered this as a 9935 tweekbee(?) map, a good complement to Seamist.

The Woods Today - The very first map I played in when I first started playing APB. Lagsniping from the allied hill was fun :v

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Hey guys!

If anyone wants to take a look at these old maps being discussed, I have an archive here that you can get most of these maps from, as well as many others from the past. Have a look!


The maps are stored separate from the game installers, so you'll need to download the version(s) of the game you want, and then manually place the map files into the data folder of the appropriate installation (for maps that are not packaged with the game). Pay attention to the install location during setup so you'll know where to go!

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2 hours ago, Einstein said:

Hey guys!

If anyone wants to take a look at these old maps being discussed, I have an archive here that you can get most of these maps from, as well as many others from the past. Have a look!


The maps are stored separate from the game installers, so you'll need to download the version(s) of the game you want, and then manually place the map files into the data folder of the appropriate installation (for maps that are not packaged with the game). Pay attention to the install location during setup so you'll know where to go!

I've been wanting to take a nostalgia trip for a few weeks now. Thank you Einstein-sama :wub:

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