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Everything posted by forg0ten1

  1. like ea said, u guys just don't even know what you want. tiberiumn rivals is going to be far superior to tiberian sun. You'll see
  2. Im Glad Ur Seeing Things My Way I Think.
  3. I Think It Would Be Cool If There Was A Sell Building Feature, I Think. Say, For Example, You Want To Buy A Harvester, But You Don't Have Enough Money. You Could Just Sell a Building Such As The Barracks For Example And Then Harvest Some Tib For Your Team. This Could Be Done By Making A Sell Area In Each Building That U Just Walk Into To Get Money I Think. I Think It Could Open Up A Lot Of Possibilities I Think.
  4. Am I the only one who pre-ordered this? making a clan if anyones interested
  5. Finally. A promising cnc game we can all look forward to
  6. from what I understand, Nod ended up reverse engineering the core defender after firestorm, and came up with the avatar in cnc3. so maybe they could have some sort of avatar prototype in rebarn since it takes place after firestorm I believe
  7. pretty cool. Maybe this means we can have useable carry-alls in reborn now too!
  8. make sure apb is the first game they play
  9. been playing this game for a long time, and not normally one to complain about players, but this "lag" is kinda rediculous
  10. I didn't like the spy hunt part
  11. you have to wait about ten seconds after it lands to get in. when the mammoth gets dropped off, it will slowly lower to the ground over the course of a few secs, then you can get in. Also, some characters cant drive vehicles like you said. I'd try with a rifle soldier to be sure.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kaskins


      Tea? Relax? No, there is only WAR.



    3. delta


      Where can I get this tea?

    4. Einstein


      Peach flavored tea is awesome. You should try that.

  13. also while on the topic of the purchase menu, it currently hides the amount of credits you have when you bring it up. drives me crazy ):
  14. i thought it was a wonderfuk game. i never saw the need for harvesting tiberium, always felt it didnt fit in. glad they got rid of that mechanic in 4.
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