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CVC - Cumulative Vote Count 

Time Left:

0 day(s) , 0 hour, 28 min



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman

ChopBam voted for No Lynch

FRAYDO voted nobody

VERTi60 voted for Killing You

Alstar voted for No Lynch

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted for VERTi60

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted for VERTi60


7/11 votes casted so far

Lynching VERTi60 and No Lynch are tied.

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I admit, I still have some reservations, which is why I haven't voted yet. To some degree I agree with what Voe and Nodlied have been cautioning about and I also don't like Jeod's parade. I also still want to know what Alstar meant without someone else explaining it for him, because that statement flagged my attention. Could you respond directly, please?

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Tempting to vote myself again since no lynch is not productive at all... But I have like 15% of clearing a town next day...

We have 30 minutes guys, we won't get all the answers now. But we have to make up our minds on votes. So little votes casted. I wonder why are people shy with all that content laying around.

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CVC - Cumulative Vote Count 

Time Left:

0 day(s) , 0 hour, 18 min



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman

ChopBam voted for No Lynch

FRAYDO voted nobody

VERTi60 voted for Killing You

Alstar voted for No Lynch

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted for VERTi60

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted for VERTi60


7/11 votes casted so far

Lynching VERTi60 and No Lynch are tied.

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I admit, I still have some reservations, which is why I haven't voted yet. To some degree I agree with what Voe and Nodlied have been cautioning about and I also don't like Jeod's parade. I also still want to know what Alstar meant without someone else explaining it for him, because that statement flagged my attention. Could you respond directly, please?

Sure, tho Nodlied's explaination is what i meant. At that point i thought that lynching Vertigo will not result with anything good.Hell, i still dont trust that hider claim for some reason. Also concentrating almost all of the attention during day 1 is not anything you would want to do - unless you win by dying.



Edit: And honestly, i think that Voe's right about this. Clearing out this confsion in D1 may be worth it.



Edited by Alstar
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CVC - Cumulative Vote Count 

Time Left:

0 day(s) , 0 hour, 8 min



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman

ChopBam voted for No Lynch

FRAYDO voted nobody

VERTi60 voted for Killing You

Alstar voted nobody

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted for VERTi60

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Voe

Voe voted for VERTi60


6/11 votes casted so far

VERTi60 has the majority for a lynch

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Now see here, we're not doing a No Lynch. Can we check out Voe and KY since both are voting for Verti?


What do you mean by "check out"?


How about we "check out" Jeod for starting bandwagons and then falling out of them?

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Because Verti, as insane as he is, has claimed a town role which can easily be confirmed or denied. It isn't worth lynching him when there's other information to go on.

Aha, so you're willing to start a bandwagon and get someone almost lynched just to fish their role out.


You're pushing it, Jeod.

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ChopBam has been fensesitting, called out a VERTi60 town lynch, tried to slow down the lynch, been told something (potentially in a scum doc over the past two days, and thinks Jeod should be investigated. If both Jeod and VERTi60 are town, this could be a scum ChopBam POV.

And voting no lynch to boot.

Ah, but I don't have time to question him on this.


I'm actually a bit sorry for doing this, VERTi60, but I have to see what you are.


##vote VERTi60

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Before the hammer, let me sum up my thoughts:


Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody, although he thinks I might be scum. His longest post is heavily biased towards me which I supsected he would do. I can't really read him since he's too biased but he has reservations putting money where his word is. So far neutral read.

Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman but also voted me for the same reason: revenge. CK hardly joins day 1 shenanigans like this and even more, puts flavor to his votes. I'm thinking there might be a bigger reason to his behavior he's not telling us.

ChopBam voted for No Lynch which is totally out of place. While we can get a no lynch by a simple tie as well still voting a no lynch will get us nowhere. Before that he joined KY and Jeod bandwagon on me. I pushed him back just like CK but I still have a strange taste in my mouth when checking his reactions.

FRAYDO voted nobody, he is too careful and doesn't provide more info. Just observing posts. Either he's a PR or a careful scum but he wants to play it safe, not attacking directly anyone nor to anger anyone.

VERTi60 voted for Killing You. I might switch my vote to me. I have role-claimed soviet technician hider, terrible role with terrible lifespan. Also distraction & drama queen.

Alstar voted for No Lynch. No read since new guy.

Jeod voted nobody, as he was admittedly tunneling me to fish for my role. He now plays it safe as he doesn't want to be involved in the first town lynch or wants his hands safe. But I can't forget how he acted the first half of the D1. I think all the voe's observations on Jeod are good sums of this. Funny thing is that even though he keeps a journal of Day 1 (where I hope I'll be a big star being a prime example of "don't do" stuff), he didn't care much about the hammer, kept his vote until I basically role-claimed.

Killing You voted for VERTi60, he doesn't let go of me. He doesn't like getting attacked by either sarcasm, criticism, or even helpful warnings. Even after my claim he's probably not going to change a vote. I'm surprised he doesn't focus on anyone else and just simply hangs on one person. Maybe lack of imagination or brain matter...  You guys should re-read all his posts. For me it sounds like most of it is based from scum PoV rather than town's. No time to quote them but I did point it out myself before.

Mojoman voted nobody, he made a joke vote on me and suddenly which later served as bandwagon for others. He made some illogical statements but that's nothing new. When you compared him to his role play during APB Mafia I or when he was converted the style is a bit different.

Nodlied voted Voe, Nodlied was helpful most of the time. I'm getting feeling he and voe are either in team or just think the same. Leaning to the latter.

Voe voted for VERTi60 but it seems he can't get his mind straight. First he was after Jeod wanting him dead but then switches to Mojo and lastly to me, flipping as he was also defending me (while calling me scummy too). Irrational.

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D1 Lynch Result

Before retiring to your bunks, tonight you have decided VERTi60 will be judged tonight. With Category 5 Hurricane leading the charge, you grab your rifles, take aim at the panicked man who we have agreed to kill, and fire your weapons.
  • pt_so_technician.pngVERTi60 the SOVIET TECHNICIAN (Hider) has been found guilty of being mortal!

Wait, why did we just kill the person who maintains our buildings? Was no-one paying attention? This MUST be the work of those Allied Dogs! Or maybe we just drink too much...

Night 1

As night falls, the base prepares to go to sleep. During the night, certain roles have actions that can be done. The Allies are also probably planning a nightkill tonight, so be on your guard!
Forum Posting during the Night Phase is limited - 2 posts per player max. Players who won't comply will either receive a gimmick or a force vote on themselves.

Dead Players

  • Engineer.gif Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse)
  • pt_so_technician.pngVERTi60 (Hider) 

CVC - Cumulative Vote Count

Category 5 Hurricane voted for VERTi60
Chaos_Knight voted for Mojoman
ChopBam voted for No Lynch
FRAYDO voted nobody
VERTi60 voted for Killing You
Alstar voted nobody
Jeod voted nobody
Killing You voted for VERTi60
Mojoman voted nobody
Nodlied voted Voe
Voe voted for VERTi60
7/11 votes casted so far
VERTi60 has the majority for a lynch


23 Hour(s) 50 Minute(s) Edited by GeneralCamo
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I have yet to hear a compelling reason that voting no lynch on D1 is so terrible. Is it just hard to explain, or...? Verti seemed genuine to me later in the day so I pulled my vote off him. Sure enough, we had a mislynch. I hope it's worth the info gained from it...


Cat5, I was referring to the JeodPillBox game, where I was told by folks (maybe even you) during the game that Jeod plays the same way when town or scum. Do you really think I'd make it that obvious if I was leaking scumdoc material? Don't be fishin' for stuff that's not there. :v

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Welp, that happened. That's what happens when you intentionally "trigger" someone Day 1.


I admit, I'm not ruling out Jeod being scum helping him to dig that hole, but I'm not 100% sure that it's the way to go. Maybe tonight will yield answers.


As far as the fencesitters go, everything that I'd say about ChopBam has been said, so eh, but what about FRADYO? He just seems to pop in once in a while, make a two-line broad reaching post, and then move on. Doesn't sit right with me.

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Meaning Jeod and Chaos aren't clear.

Yeah the two guys who saw we would be lynching a town aren't "clear". Let's go with that.


Group responsibility. Not what town does.


You tunneled vert all day, then unvoted few hours before hammer (when more or less the lynch has been decided), and while you still had the power to vote on anyone else, you chose not to. You must have been content with lynching vertigo in the end, but you did not want the responsibility of participating. It has nothing to do with Chaos.



Now see here, we're not doing a No Lynch. Can we check out Voe and KY since both are voting for Verti?



Because Verti, as insane as he is, has claimed a town role which can easily be confirmed or denied. It isn't worth lynching him when there's other information to go on.




All day of fishing. Accusations, claiming people town in the first hours of the game, and an "empty talk finish". Nice, but no.

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:soviet:DAY 2 :soviet:



You wake up today to see a nice day on RA_RiverRaid. It appears the server decided to change the map overnight, but the Allied Base across the river is missing its players. Come to think of it, you are missing a few players too. After an investigation, you find two bodies today:
  • pt_so_rifle.png CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE (Townie) HAS BEEN FOUND DEAD!
  • Supply_Truck.gifMOJOMAN (Doctor) HAS BEEN DESTROYED!
These two deaths MUST be avenged Comrades! Find the parties responsible for these tragic deaths today Comrades!


Role Reference Sheet


Day Guidelines



During the DAY PHASE (24-48 hour duration), everyone posts and tries to build cases against each other. While the Soviets are arguing to try and find the Allies, the Allies are trying to throw everyone off their trail.

The goal of the Day Phase is to find somebody for a Lynch.


People will vote for one person they want to be lynched and the person with the most votes will die at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format:

##Vote PlayerName

If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who.


If a majority vote of 50%+1 is cast on one person, then they will be lynched right then and there, no need to wait for the end of the phase. When someone is lynched, everyone will find out their role and who they were aligned with.



Additional Rules:

  • No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication.
  • No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod.
  • No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered.
  • Don't try to break the game. No silliness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example.
  • "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it.
  • Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points without permission from your scummates.
  • No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and no one should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't.
  • Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example.
  • Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't like a player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod.
  • Don't edit your posts in the game thread.

Dead Players

  • Engineer.gif Comrade Vodka Breadinski (Example Corpse)
  • pt_so_technician.pngVERTi60 (Hider) 
  • pt_so_rifle.png Category 5 Hurricane (Townie)
  • Supply_Truck.gifMojoman (Doctor)

CVC - Cumulative Vote Count 



Time Left:

1 day(s) , 23 hours, 57 min, 0 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted nobody

FRAYDO voted nobody

VERTi60 voted nobody

Alstar voted nobody

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted nobody

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted nobody

Voe voted nobody


0/8 votes casted so far

No votes casted so far


Announcement: MYLO IS IN EFFECT. A mislynch today could result in a scum win tomorrow!

Edited by GeneralCamo
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##vote Jeod


I was thinking I could sway Cat5 into lynching Jeod today, but seeing he's dead, I'll be crusading alone.


Additionally, if any town cops found anything, it is now time to share.

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