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[DAY 9 - Game End] Death Note themed Detective Mafia Forum Game


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u8D5V0X.png Day 5 - Decision


After moving to new facilities L has setup to watch closer on Kira suspects whilst continuing with investigation, things have gotten a bit stale. Our two main suspects, Light and Misa, don't seem to remember much. L thinks they might not remember as the Kira powers can move from person to person, but still suspects Light the most. Well at least nobody from the Task Force died yet during the investigation, besides Ukita.

However, we have some bad news. According to chief Yagami, NPA will no longer cooperate working with L on Kira case. Apparently Kira proposed that as long NPA won't pursue Kira, Kira won't lay a hand on any politicians. L asked the Task Force members to choose between the police career or working with him on Kira case. A test to discover how much the Task Force members trust L has made Aizawa a bit upset. Maybe because he was also under suspicion too, but now he's free. Perhaps also free of the case as well, since Aizawa has chosen to work alone. Which brings us to Mello, who seems to have disappeared rather quickly as well after release.



From what we know:

  • Kira needs a Face and Name to kill.
  • Kira can manipulate his victims before they die.
  • Light Yagami is also a Kira suspect (I'd say the odds are 5%)
  • Misa Amane is now a 2nd Kira suspect
  • 2nd Kira can make a "Shinigami Eyes" deal, which enables him/her to kill without knowing the victim's name...
  • Mello is one of the L's successors, desperate to beat his counterpart, N as well as L, and others to catch Kira first
  • Mello is not kira but he has some ties with Mafia to get the Notebooks
  • There are two or more Notebooks in the human world it seems, and at least one is still in the possession of Kira
  • Shinigami can appear whenever they like and are visible to anyone who interacted with Notebook
  • L has deduced that Kira powers can pass from person to person (ownership of the Notebook can be changed or forfeited)
  • NPA will no longer support investigation of Kira case, Task Force members are on their own
  • Aizawa, member of the Task Force, decided to work alone on the case



u8D5V0X.png Day Rules:


The goal of the day is to catch the Kira with the Notebook. If that happens, the Death Note will be confiscated and possible culprit will be held in custody for the whole night, which will reveal more info about the character as well next day. Any other player will have just their identity revealed to everybody.

This will play out in 3 phases:

1. Investigation, where players will discuss the case and clues with other characters; Voting, where each member of the investigation team casts a vote on who they suspect is Kira. People will vote for one person they want to be investigated and the person with the most votes will be revealed at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format:

##Vote PlayerName

If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who.
In case of a tie between more players, the investigation will be passed on the either the person with biggest suspicion level. If there is still a tie, the first voted player will be chosen (meaning that extra votes to cause a tie will not help in the end).

Hammers will also not end current Day. Meaning that if one person gets 50% of the votes, it won't trigger the end of the day. A proper detective reserves a time for proper investigation. No shortcuts for the Kira(s) as well to end the day sooner. However, the hammered person will still be investigated and extra votes will no longer count.

2. Casting suspicion to other players outside of voting to profile each player throughout the game. This costs Proposal Points (which you have limited amount each phase) and increases and/or decreases a person's Suspicion (red) or Trust Level (blue). People with checks are more likely to be voted out as Kira in case voting will end in a tie. A high trust level makes a person gain more proposal points next day than others, and it will also gain more benefits during night, e.g. access to more actions. A Player's activity will also be monitored, and if some players are inactive for more than a day, they will get a deadline time left to post. If they won't make it, they will lose some trust points and gain suspicion points. Proposal points, suspicion and trust levels along with dead lines, status and role flip will be reflected in Cumulative Vote Count which will be updated throughout the day.

Use the following command to Propose increasing someone's suspicion or trust.


##PROPOSE SUSPICION/TRUST Playername [amount]


You can do this whenever you want to whoever you like as long you still have Propose Points. The exact amount of points is not limited, but it might change for balance reason.


3. Custom Day Actions. Your characters may have an item which also has extra day actions. Look them up in your Character Role Info PM.


All Day actions need to be acknowledged by the mod before they are counted, either by updating the CVC or with a text line. Current Vote Counts (or CVC) will appear periodically to inform you about the time remaining as well as the current vote status). 

Note: Day 5 will be shorter by 45 minutes



u8D5V0X.png  CVC:



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From Voe and ChopBam I am to surmise that there are at least two Death Notes in the field, confirming our earlier suspicions obviously. However, we still do not yet know if there is a third. It's probable we will not find this third Death Note and it's a red herring.

Between Killing You and Nodlied, which of you will be the first to speak up about your meeting? I trust it went well, but do we have an alignment on Killing You? And to you, Killing You; is Nodlied as trustworthy as we all claim him to be?

Orange, have you come across any discoveries from last night? Any meetings you accepted? Any you chose to reject?

While I am directing questions left and right, do keep in mind I was wrongly investigated despite my protests. Of you four who casted votes upon me (talking to you Killing You, Voe, Chaos Knight, and Mojoman), who next would you like to investigate?

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Unless Voe is lying about having one. I'll call his bluff unless he decides to open it today.

On 3/8/2017 at 11:26 AM, Voe said:

I'd open it. But that's because im arrogant. I don't support anyone else doing it :haw:


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Got ninjaed there.

I am in contact with Chop. We've not been on at the same time yet so nothing much. I did investigate, and I did do some other things, and lets just say I didn't get the expected outcomes, but I'm not willing to reveal exactly what at this moment. Nothing I found out is exactly critical so I taking my time to share won't hamper us, and I WILL tell, just after others have given their thoughts and I might perhaps gleam some extra knowledge from that before revealing.

In solidarity with the wrongly investigated task member, I will also make sure FRAYDO gets let out of the box fully and can meet next time.

##propose trust FRAYDO 68

(To get me to an even number ;) )

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No, it can't be opened during the day. It's a night action.

The reason I can say this, by the way, is because that notebook was in my possession last night. It was passed to me during the previous night. I want to try to remain clean (as much as this game's canon will allow) so I passed it to the person least likely to hurt me.

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Although I do have a running theory that just receiving a Debt Note may actually do something for you, since I do find it weird that there is no apparent effect. I'll get into that later, though. For now I just have to confirm that I've not been told about anything regarding my role has changing since receiving or passing the book. I just think there may be a hidden effect.

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This is interesting. The day post flavour text once more stated that Kira has a debt note. Yesterday it was in possession of cat5, which would make sense (aside from one owned by chopbam). If I have one on me today, there is a chance that person who received the other one is our target.

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Alright, now that I am done with celebrating stuff as well as being sad about a broken fang, I am back.

And yay. I am free now also which is nice. I would question why Police would like to keep my half-eaten chocolate bar but it's none of my concerns I guess.

So there's a 3rd note floating around. That's a lot of notes for a small group of people if you ask me. Question is, if Cat5 got it yesterday (as in on the night after his release) who had it beforehand?
Now of course there's the possibility of Cat5 denouncing Note ownership when he was captured, Note returning to Rem and then Rem returning it to Cat5 on the next night.

Another probability is that Cat5's Note was given to Mojo (unless I messed up timelines) but then the 3rd note appeared out of the blue. Who could be the owner? And why was he compelled to give it to Cat5 then?

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6 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

No, it can't be opened during the day. It's a night action.

The reason I can say this, by the way, is because that notebook was in my possession last night. It was passed to me during the previous night. I want to try to remain clean (as much as this game's canon will allow) so I passed it to the person least likely to hurt me.

What the fuck Verti.

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Jeod, perhaps instead of giving out more and more notes and whining nobody wants to return them, you should just keep some for yourself?

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7 minutes ago, Voe said:

Jeod, perhaps instead of giving out more and more notes and whining nobody wants to return them, you should just keep some for yourself?

It's not that, it's that nobody will use them. Even the ones who should refuse to use them when handed a notebook on a platter. (Looking at you mister "I wanna be town so I'm gonna play as town instead of my role" Cat5)

I'm Ryuk. I need the notebooks to be used 5 times to win. Since they haven't been used, Sidoh has threatened to take them away. He's already taken one.

I'm too busy to deal with gamethrowing shit, so I'm gonna go enjoy my 3 days off. Toodles.

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4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

It's not that, it's that nobody will use them. Even the ones who should refuse to use them when handed a notebook on a platter. (Looking at you mister "I wanna be town so I'm gonna play as town instead of my role" Cat5)

I'm Ryuk. I need the notebooks to be used 5 times to win. Since they haven't been used, Sidoh has threatened to take them away. He's already taken one.

I'm too busy to deal with gamethrowing shit, so I'm gonna go enjoy my 3 days off. Toodles.

Oh look, return of the liar. First your Sidoh and now you're Ryuk that needs to have the notebooks used. Yes, enjoy your three days off.

What we can gather from this: Don't use the notebooks. :v

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26 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Oh look, return of the liar. First your Sidoh and now you're Ryuk that needs to have the notebooks used. Yes, enjoy your three days off.

What we can gather from this: Don't use the notebooks. :v

That's just my role. I'm supposed to hide. But now there's no point, so...

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Alright, I'm here. Nodlied hasn't showed up, so we haven't talked yet.

Okay, so what are we supposed to do? We're probably going to end up investigating everyone until everyone's role is known while we keep passing the Death Notes back and forth. Given that we probably need the Death Note on scum in order to indict them, I doubt we're going to get very far.

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15 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Alright, I'm here. Nodlied hasn't showed up, so we haven't talked yet.

Okay, so what are we supposed to do? We're probably going to end up investigating everyone until everyone's role is known while we keep passing the Death Notes back and forth. Given that we probably need the Death Note on scum in order to indict them, I doubt we're going to get very far.

Was there a reason given for why or if CK's notebook wasn't removed from the game?

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It's just an inference I made based on the fact that Cat5 was released after one night despite being a Kira canonically, and Chaos_Knight was held for a longer time due to having a death note despite being an anti-Kira party.

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4 hours ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Question is, if Cat5 got it yesterday (as in on the night after his release) who had it beforehand?

This is the key question IMO. I don't think it's Voe as he's too town, but who was holding onto Misa's crap for her while she was in jail?

1 hour ago, Jeod said:

Sidoh has threatened to take them away. He's already taken one.

Sidoh has taken a notebook? (baring the fact that earlier we settled on you being Sidoh, I'll ignore that for that now)

44 minutes ago, Killing You said:

Given that we probably need the Death Note on scum in order to indict them, I doubt we're going to get very far.

If we're tossing around the original idea of there being three notes with such obvious now I can't help but think there's going to be a power play soon... just don't know what it is...

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Jeod, while my tactics may be a problem for you, I'm trying to work towards my win condition, not yours. If I had been allowed to sit on the book without using it, I might have done that instead so that I could use it if I needed to. However, I had to choose to commit to staying clean or doing something that would probably turn me scum. We know that Misa using the notebook always put her in a worse position, so...

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