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Command and Conquer Rivals announced

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When I watched the live stream when they said were releasing a new cnc for mobile I was like and please excuse my language but WHAT THE ACTUEL FUCK EA WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE THEY BASICLY RANSACKED CNC AND NOW ITS NOTHING  BUT A MOBILE GAME!!!!!!!!!!! AND KANE LOOKED UGLY AS HELL IN THE TEASER W T F. Why cant they just make an actuel pc rts instead of this piece of bullshit I mean its decent an all but it kinda looks and feels shitty EA PLEASE FIX AND MAKE CNC BETTER AGAIN FOR THE LOVE OF MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

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But in all honesty, I can think of a few idea that would ACTUALLY BE BETTER... I mean come on EA.... You want to innovate and all that, AND  you're for the players yeah? IF you want to make a mobile game of C&C, THEN INNOVATE AND MAKE IT AN ACTUAL FULLY FLEDGED RTS! I know its possible, I KNOW IT IS.... Hell, even pick Tiberium back up...... Just please.... I hope this gets pulled and cancelled just like Generals 2 did (minus the extreme backlash its getting currently)

I take solace in the fact that the trailer has 26000+ dislikes against 1.2 thousand currently.....

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6 hours ago, delta said:

Kinda lost track...how many C&C mobile/browser games have there been since C&C4?

There has just been Tiberium Alliances (the browser game thats literally dead)

uhhh..... AT ONE POINT They had C&C 4 on the app store of iOS and Android but it got removed. Same goes with their Red Alert 3 game (I actually liked it, despite how low in quality and watered down it was... OH and you had to pay an extra few dollars to PLAY AS THE ALLIES AND THE RISING SUN.......) I'm not sure if its official, but there IS a C&C 3 game on mobile devices that use Java....

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Honestly speaking, if they said something like, "This is a fun little spinoff while we work on something good," I wouldn't care as much. Granted, it'd still look terrible, but I'd just roll my eyes and move on.

But they said that this supposed to be "C&C reinvented for a new generation." This is their idea of presenting us with their plan for the future. "Disappointment" doesn't even begin to cover it.

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8 minutes ago, Killing_You said:


But they said that this supposed to be "C&C reinvented for a new generation." This is their idea of presenting us with their plan for the future. "Disappointment" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Whilst I agree it is a huge slap in the face for fans who grew up with the series, it could on the flip side, draw interest for the younger generations. This could lead to them looking for older games, this could peak a lot of interest for a potential revival of the main games. But no, EA still feel the need to tell us why the next FIFA game is better than the last and occasionally present a short-lived C&C spin-off that'll shortly die off soon after when they absorb the message that it doesn't sit well with the fans. That being said I still maintain my current description of this insulting piece of a product, gross. If this is indeed the series' future, then I'd rather they just let it rest in peace.


Guess mobile content just isn't really my thing. :j

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Silver lining? The volume of negative feedback might give EA's investors the idea that there is still a demand for a traditional PC RTS game.

... And they would no doubt butcher that as well, with their horrific designers which they picked up off the streets, with zero experience or sense of attachment to the franchises they work on.

Edit: Or overpaid hipster designers like Greg who literally got their careers carried by pure chance of being at the right company at the right time (Yuri's Revenge), while having otherwise created a list of games they wrecked with ridiculous implementations. Remember how RA3 became insanely micro intensive compared to past games? All his doing. Biggest irony now? He is complaining RTS games have been too difficult to get into... Yeah no shit, with people like him in charge of design, it is no wonder that RTS died.

Edited by Raap
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3 hours ago, Raap said:

Silver lining? The volume of negative feedback might give EA's investors the idea that there is still a demand for a traditional PC RTS game.

Were there dragons in that dream?

3 hours ago, Raap said:

... And they would no doubt butcher that as well, with their horrific designers which they picked up off the streets, with zero experience or sense of attachment to the franchises they work on.

Scratch my previous question.

Personally, im infuriated. I mean, i never usually go on a massive shitpost twitter streak. This is not the CnC people anticipated and waited for. Instead of that we got mobile crap.
Even more funny, there were people willingly took EA's offer and promoted the 'game' on their YT channels. Also, this is probably one of worst clash-royale-like implementations i ever seen.

Just dont touch CnC anymore and let modding community do it job at keeping the game alive. Because thats what they were doing ever since C&C4 and end of gamespy.

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 I know this new C&C Rivals isn't half as good as most other C&C games but can anyone tell me what's so bad about it (sorry if it's a dumb question). I myself am not interested in it one bit (i dont even like mobile games nor played one) but I can see it only as a spin-off made for fun like Sole Survivor, Renegade, Tiberium Alliances. It's not even a main storyline game so I don't find this new game any more disappointing than Tiberian Twilight.

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9 hours ago, Cat said:

 I know this new C&C Rivals isn't half as good as most other C&C games but can anyone tell me what's so bad about it (sorry if it's a dumb question). I myself am not interested in it one bit (i dont even like mobile games nor played one) but I can see it only as a spin-off made for fun like Sole Survivor, Renegade, Tiberium Alliances. It's not even a main storyline game so I don't find this new game any more disappointing than Tiberian Twilight.

Poor timing, and it IS marketed as a main game.

I mean just look at the thing, there is zero gameplay or aesthetic connectivity to any of the previous games. This is a mobile game, as generic as they get, with the C&C title slapped on it. If they named this game anything else, no one would care, but they used the name for cheap publicity - remember, for EA there is no such thing as "bad" publicity. 

I'm just slightly more relieved that at least companies like Bethesda still make good games.

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The only thing that makes the game C&C, is the label, having SOME units relating to C&C, factions, and Tiberium.... regardless I refuse to accept this game as part of the C&C series.... (though updating the original TibDawn Orca model is the only plus I can give to EA, as I love the Original look of the Orca).

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I've said it before in the past and I'll say it again now. I would like to think that if EA had went forward with their original plans and given us a proper version of Generals 2 (i.e. NOT the F2P version) then things would probably be okay right now and C&C would still be pretty relevant and popular. I will try this game out just for the sake of trying it out, but I don't really enjoy mobile games and how good they are or what franchise they are from are irrelevant factors. Mobile simply isn't a very engaging platform for long term gameplay, imo (although I will confess that The Elder Scrolls: Blades looks legit interesting).

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On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 1:43 PM, Raap said:

Poor timing, and it IS marketed as a main game.

I mean just look at the thing, there is zero gameplay or aesthetic connectivity to any of the previous games. This is a mobile game, as generic as they get, with the C&C title slapped on it. If they named this game anything else, no one would care, but they used the name for cheap publicity - remember, for EA there is no such thing as "bad" publicity. 

I'm just slightly more relieved that at least companies like Bethesda still make good games.

I think they were going for a mobile game ever since when tiberian  alliances was announced yes and excuse my language

Command And Conquer: Tiberium Alliances

    I mean this shit fuck right here and  yes this piece of dog shit they took out of there own dogs ass to bring you tib alliances the same goes for this game all this game is dog shit and they just want to be done with cnc. Maybe at one point they might want to bring back renagade but as in battle field and not renagade because renagade was kinda like battle field but in the future and they have dubed on the future in battle field but not with tiberium and all that crazieness. What im basicly saying here is EA wants to be done with cnc even though we ask for cnc  when we say rts they bring tib alliances when we say mobile they say cnc rivals but that could change in the near future so what should we look for is no trailer but a gud tease a year before it comes out, witch means it will be a piece of shit and they know it.    

Edited by thedisclaimitory
had to odd my pic
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