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Community Balance Feedback


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Hello everyone!

We've recently been having discussions among the staff about balance. With the recent high amount of game nights, it’s brought a lot of attention to certain units and maps.

We’d like to ask our community to participate in giving feedback on anything you feel is off or not performing how you believe it should. This can range from damage not being high enough with a certain unit, to even prices being too high/low. Do you think a certain map has a higher advantage for one team over another? Now is the time to speak up!

Let’s get to discussing :)

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  On 2/16/2021 at 8:22 PM, NodGuy said:

Make Flamethrower Great Again.


Volkov's shotgun hand is really hard to use beyond point blank range. I've watched multiple Volkovs try and kill a single rocket soldier and it took forever.

Edited by Guard55
Remembered a gripe I had for Volkov
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I don't like playing as a Volkov.  The reload times make me ineffectual at killing anything except light vehicles and small buildings (but not base defenses).

The AP rounds just don't work for me, regardless of range.  Granted, this is more I'm bad at the game.  Instead of making me swap weapon modes, I'd prefer it if his AT rounds just had a decently sized AOE that was great for killing infantry and did virtually no damage to anything else. I'm not sure how this would work mechanically, but it would give people like me, who suck at the Infantry Combat in w3d, a reason to use a Volkov aside from just wasting lots of money when my team is already winning.


Heavy Tanks

I think they need either just a little bit more durability, or a bit more DPS.  I don't feel a big difference when I fight a MT with a HT or vice-versa.



Edited by V0LK0V
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  On 2/16/2021 at 9:48 PM, FRAYDO said:

Keep the LPO-50 model. It looks beautiful. Revert the Flamethrower firing mechanic to actually lobbing a ball of flame Red Alert-style. I hope we're in agreement there, or how else are we making the Flamethrower great again?


Frankly, I agree. The new model is fantastic, but the current firing mode feels a bit weird. The classic fireball was great as a room clearer, though that's arguably taken by the Grenadier. Either way, I agree that the current firing mechanic is a bit jank and could use some investigating.

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  1. Make Flamethrower Great Again.
  2. Increase the price of Rocket Soldiers. I think they are too cheap for how effective they are at destroying tanks.
  3. Increase the turn rate of cruisers. They are so frustrating to maneuver right now.
  4. Killing a main battle tank should kill or do massive damage to the infantry inside.
  5. Reduce the price of demolition trucks so more people buy them. :v
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I say we bring napalm and HE grenades to the Grenadier, and maybe MAYBE replace the RPG trooper with a cheaper "AA soldier" role? I never was a fan of the RPG trooper tbh..... I kinda liked the grenadier having napalm grenades, and grenades that did decent damage to vehicles.

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  On 2/17/2021 at 2:45 AM, moonsense715 said:

Elevate the soviet base. Sitting at the bottom of a cliff is a sitting duck base. Also totally blind to incoming attacks. Demos can roll it from the clifftop into the base (with gap gens if hinds are present).
All the while the allies are on a clifftop, very easy to defend, see the whole map from, and it's hard to attack it.

This has been a problem since always, not Delta specific. Elevate that dang soviet base on ridgewar please.


Tesla Coil!

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Since we're on the topic of Ridge War, honestly the map needs a rework. Both bases *should* be ontop of a "ridge", or elevated... Also the soviets should get a single tesla coil along with the flame towers, and the allies, maybe a few more pillboxes/turrets in strategic areas (The barracks is the most annoying thing to defend, as the pillbox can just very easily be destroyed by pretty much anything, opening the entire allied base up to a kov rush that can't be stopped without the entire team diverting to defense).

Ridge war also has a special issue where you move UP into the allied base, which kinda derps the AI. Making it very easy to spoof the defenses and destroy them without them even targeting you, and the soviet defenses can't really attack the allies on top of the cliff after the one flametower is destroyed (which is VERY difficult to get to and repair, as its technically outside of the traditional "base" boundaries. This is just coming from someone who thinks defenses are pretty much useless in APB/IA/W3D Games as a whole, since 1 or 3 people can just grab an LMG soldier, or a rocket soldier, and just delete the entire bases defense grid due to AI spoofing, or just plain outranging.

Or maybe just have both bases on Ridge War be in a crater. I dunno.... Welcome to MP's 2 hour long wall of text.

Anyways APB is pretty solid as is, just needs some QoL, and some balancing updates here and there.... Its for the most part a fully complete game the way I see it.

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Flamethrower is wayyy too undrpowered both for its price and efectivness. If you'id add an ability for it to do more dmg ot buildings and the ability to deal way more dammage when headshotting, it would balance it out for its price (or just bring back the old one)

And Soviets not having mechanics is also a not fun thing. Im not saying you should add them to Soviets, but an allied vehicle can be just infinetly repaired for free so repairs for Soviets in the sd for free or just give soviet vehicles more hp in general to balance them not being repairable for free as the allied ones tho. (just my sugestion, i personally thing mechanic is op, idk if anyone shared my opinin tho)

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  On 2/17/2021 at 8:18 AM, cnclol said:


And Soviets not having mechanics is also a not fun thing. Im not saying you should add them to Soviets, but an allied vehicle can be just infinetly repaired for free so repairs for Soviets in the sd for free or just give soviet vehicles more hp in general to balance them not being repairable for free as the allied ones tho. (just my sugestion, i personally thing mechanic is op, idk if anyone shared my opinin tho)


I've always said that Mechanics shouldn't be allowed to drive vehicles. It's unfair to the Soviets that you can be in a tank and attacking an Allied tank but all that allied player needs to do is go behind cover for a sec to heal his tank. I do this a lot and I always feel like a piece of shit but hey, winning's winning.

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  On 2/17/2021 at 5:23 PM, Nodlied said:

It is ''Comrade'', you dunce.


Yeah! I actually changed it so he says Comrade once again. Scorched Earth and the way he says it is cringe. I also took away the unique lines from the Sergeant/Starshina, Capitan/Kapitan, etc. and gave them the same generic sounds as the Rifle Infantry.

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Also, nerf Tanya C4, like, right now. Split it to 2 C4s with a 5 seconds reload time so she can still solo a building. 30 seconds instantkill from full hp is absolutely uncounterable once placed. "but get better and mine the base" - did, the mines are 90% of the time killed by tha tanya transport or one single friend and from then on it's gg. No thanks.

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  On 2/18/2021 at 12:05 AM, moonsense715 said:

Also, nerf Tanya C4, like, right now. Split it to 2 C4s with a 5 seconds reload time so she can still solo a building. 30 seconds instantkill from full hp is absolutely uncounterable once placed. "but get better and mine the base" - did, the mines are 90% of the time killed by tha tanya transport or one single friend and from then on it's gg. No thanks.


well I'm not sure how that'd be balanced.... Yeah I hate Tanya C4s instakilling everything while nobody can defuse it in time, but like.... Whats an alternative solution? if we split it into 2 separate charges it'll have to do 50% building health for each C4. Or we could increase the timer to 45 seconds, I dunno. Either way it'll lead to people complaining about Tanya not being effective anymore. Or we could have it be so that engineers can almost instantly defuse C4.

Edited by MPRA2
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  On 2/18/2021 at 12:05 AM, moonsense715 said:

Also, nerf Tanya C4, like, right now. Split it to 2 C4s with a 5 seconds reload time so she can still solo a building. 30 seconds instantkill from full hp is absolutely uncounterable once placed. "but get better and mine the base" - did, the mines are 90% of the time killed by tha tanya transport or one single friend and from then on it's gg. No thanks.


This was actually tried out in testing a long time ago. Problem was that smart players would golden wrench the building just before the second C4 would go off. They changed it back to a single C4 needless to say.

You know what would help clear a Tanya out of a building quickly, and allow you a chance to save the building? Attack Dogs! :v

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