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Everything posted by TeamWolf

  1. Valves and Act on Instinct for me.. Also possibly Mechanical Man as well.
  2. If this is a serious suggest, his old Grenade would make more sense.
  3. Which is what my point was. The game and W3D infrastructure could do with various improvements first, to solve the empty server issue. Then, and only then, can you start approaching streamers. Well that goes without saying, really.
  4. Great to here, even better to have you back around!
  5. Well you're the one comparing the grenadier to spy, engineer, or whatsoever. Let's compare it to it's actual counterpart then He did, the diskthrower.
  6. Before we continue this as a back and forth argument, I'd like to say that I am in favor of the new changes. They are tricky to use at first, but that's mainly down to how we are all used to the nader playing. Instead of having an instant exploding grenade, this is a bit more of a modern take on it. After playing around with it for a good 30 mins, understanding it's arch and reach, you get a much better feel for how to use it. You've more got to lead your throws now and you can also setup small traps for people or chasers to walk into. The Grenade splash is way better now as well and can do some serious hurt to any infantry. Also, people seem to be talking about these guys as some CQC melee combat unit... Which the Grenadier has never really been, if anything he's better at his ranged roles with better accurate and infantry damage. He's also not intended to be some rambo lone unit, teamwork is still required and you're only going to as last long as good you are. If you have to ask for a model of a damn GRENADE of all things with a completely straight face... you might want to take a long hard look at your development team. Just saying. Uncalled for and not even sure why you are saying this tbh.
  7. We know you guys want certain RA1 units in, but please listen to Lead Devs. These guys work with the engine and game the most and know what can and can't be done, also what would and wouldn't work. Delta's balance currently is pretty damn fantastic and all of it's units fit their roles perfectly. Adding in a unit just because it's not there would mean redefining every role linked to it, which could result in horribly destroying the game balance. As we have also stated before, APB isn't going to be going under any major changes here at W3D Hub.
  8. Iron Man, because he plays by most of the rules.
  9. APB took a Battlefield approach many years ago.
  10. That was removed because people would rail on it too much.
  11. Don't do that unless you implement a mechanic that ends the game in situations where both teams lose all main production buildings. It'd just prolong a boring match even more, and empty the server, something which unfortunately does happen. If you did implement such a mechanic, though, then I agree that large maps need 5-10 minutes extra play time. I got to agree with Raap, it would be dire if it was a boring stalemate for that long. The great thing about keeping the map times on the short, even more so in big maps, means that it keeps it's great pace of gameplay and given how many routes there are to take, it would be mean different things happen each game.
  12. Which pretty much proved that moving to 5.0 won't hinder any of the playerbase, from what we can see anyway.
  13. There is a point where you got to forgo "realism" and do what makes sense gameplay wise. An ST or OT being flown in via Chinook be a good idea tbh.
  14. It's the penalty you get for losing your Barracks. Just like when you lose your War Factory, I don't see you being able to get the lower tech vehicles when that goes down.
  15. Do you wish to pursue Lu Bu? >[] Absolutely! For the Glory of Cao Cao! >[] No, we must escape Luoyang immediately! Do not pursue Lu Bu. I was thinking the same thing haha.
  16. At last, Hostile Waters!! Awesome work so far Raap!
  17. I think having RS after you loose the barracks is bad, having the other two options keeps players in game a bit. It also still leaves that side with some different strategies to use.
  18. I dislike snipers on this engine, I think they are decent as they are tbh.
  19. I used to get worse when it was US based lol.
  20. That was part of the founding idea of this community.
  21. I was under the same impression.
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