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Everything posted by moonsense715

  1. So how was the GN for those that made it?
  2. I didn't even notice black water. I just thought it was dark and accepted it without questions.
  3. I can deploy ready patches quite fast.
  4. Sounds good, and a direction level designs should actually take these days. That is side-objectives speciality per-map that makes maps unique, aside from unique terrain design that drags somewhat different gameplay (but that leaves the core game the same).
  5. That's the exact same template they've sent to the UDK RA2 remake. Where's the effort?
  6. Welp. Happy late birthday Comrade FRAYDO, still counts within 8 days!
  7. The Tank Destroyer may have limited turret turning, but it's a ton of fun to drive and fire at enemies with. The textures on all the camo variants are beautiful, good job Romanov
  8. How I feel about the elections in the USA? Since I don't live there it barely interests me. But this is getting on my nerves all the time: http://www.americaisnotusa.com/ Thanks.
  9. Now I want to play RA2 UDK inside APB with the techy scanner when there's nothing to repair.
  10. Tiles are technically Terrain FYI, with some extra stuff ontop
  11. The "rebuild buildings if CY is alive" mechanic is done and live on the Imperial Age server. You can check it out right now if you want to.
  12. Hi! I was a fan of your Reborn PT icons 10 years ago And wow you've got amazing stuff there. Great job! Aaaand that is totally the nod base from C&C_Field!
  13. OWA the game looks a LOT like Starcraft 2 graphically. To the point I first thought this was comparing a new SC2 expansion with HW2 but then realised it's not getting compared to anything. Don't you by chance have an ex-dev from Blizzard?
  14. Surprised? He purchased both team's Engineers 1000+ times and Technicians 700+ times.
  15. Three big green arrows above the vehicle when you target it should appear if you can get in. If this doesn't work, then something is broken.
  16. Hahaha, I had a good laugh, thanks
  17. That's what we're working on. Making bots able to play C&C mode properly.
  18. By spending the time APB devs spend with VIS setup on pathfind fine-tuning.
  19. Bots shouldn't get stuck in scenery if you generated pathfind on the whole map and fixed some remaining issues with extra pathfind blockers. But yeah some APB maps are way too huge to completely be covered with pathfind zones just for bots.
  20. We can always do what the APB Thief does, steal 50% instantly, that's what happens in RA2. I just thought this would be more fair as he can do many other things in the enemy base. We also tried a logic where the Spy must go back to the friendly refinery to deposit the stolen money but he NEVER got out of the soviet base alive after stealing so that idea was dropped and this current one is in place now
  21. I did a little math on that using Excel. If Soviets ignore this for 1 minute, they effectively lose 45% of their original money. If 2 minutes, then 70% of their original money. The soviets get an announcement that their money is being stolen so they can act on it or slowly lose their money.
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