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Your preferred APB Units

Note: I left out the generic/unpopular units intentionally  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Allied soldier

    • Rifleman
    • Rocket Soldier
    • Sergeant
    • Captain
    • Engineer
    • Sniper
    • Medic
    • Thief
    • Spy
    • Mechanic
    • Tanya
  2. 2. Favorite Soviet soldier

    • Rifleman
    • Rocket Soldier
    • Starshina
    • Kapitan
    • Engineer
    • Sniper
    • Grenadier
    • Flamethrower
    • Shock Trooper
    • Volkov
  3. 3. Favorite Allied Land vehicle

    • Ranger
    • Light Tank
    • Medium Tank
    • Artillery
    • APC
    • Mobile Gap Generator
    • Radar Jammer
    • Minelayer
    • Phase Tank
    • Demo Truck
  4. 4. Favorite Soviet Land vehicle

    • Heavy Tank
    • V2 Launcher
    • Tesla Tank
    • Mammoth Tank
    • MAD Tank
    • Minelayer
    • Demo Truck
  5. 5. Favorite Naval vehicle

    • Gunboat
    • Destroyer
    • Attack Sub
    • Missile Sub
  6. 6. Favorite Aerial vehicle

    • Longbow
    • Hind

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What kind of soldier are you, what vehicles do you like to drive, or what are your most used units in APB overall? Vote and discuss why!

If you're unsure about your preferred units, you can check your ranks page for what units you've purchased the most.


Personal Preference

Allied Infantry - Captain

  • Versatile, lethal against infantry and small buildings, and not completely defenceless against vehicles

Soviet Infantry - Shock Trooper

  • Effective against anything

Allied Vehicle - Medium Tank

  • Well armored and armed, the Medium Tank gets the job done

Soviet Vehicle - V2 Launcher

  • It's a nuclear missile on wheels. What else could you want?

Aerial - Longbow

  • Always wins against the Hind, and is faster

Naval - Don't know, I rarely use boats

Edited by SilverShark
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Lets go :v


Allied infantry: Thief. Nothing like no-sound of rapid fire Silenced Berreta at the morning.


Soviet infantry: Grenadier. After latest changes, this class requires a lot of skill but is very rewarding if played properly.


Allied vechicle: Medium tank. I had a small battle to choose either med or arty, but im feeling better with med most of time.


Soviet vechicle: You all know the answer. You know why. If not, ask Delta.


Aerial: Longbow. I dont usually fly but LB is decent against all threats.


Naval: Only (Stolen) Missile Subs. Hi Mackintoke!

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Allied Infantry: Captain

I like using this unit to kill enemy infantry and harass enemy vehicles.


Soviet Infantry: Shock Trooper

Great for destroying enemy vehicles, buildings, and when I don't miss, enemy infantry too.


Allied Vehicle: Phase Tank

Always fun to sneak behind that enemy vehicle rush or pick off defenses.


Soviet Vehicle: V2 Launcher

I love destroying things at great ranges with this thing, especially fast enemy vehicles.


Naval Unit: Attack Submarine

I enjoy sinking unescorted Destroyers with this.


Aerial Unit: Hind

Great for picking off infantry, destroying vehicles, and blowing up buildings. :)

Edited by NodGuy
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Allied infantry: Rocket Soldier. Never hurts to have an anti-vehicle unit that most enemy vehicles have a lot of trouble hitting. Plus it's easier to hit infantry with than the RPG.

Soviet infantry: Volkov. Not the most effective at anything but it can stay in the field for a damn long time hindering Allied progress, something that other Soviet units can't really do and tends to be what the Allies do. By the time you die you'll have money for another and maybe a nice vehicle.

Allied vehicle: Ranger. Who was expecting anything else really. It's the quickest solution to a sneak V2 and whatever its pilot may be, and harder for the V2 and its guards to hit than a light tank, and also a solution to the omnipresent shock troopers and volkovs that pop out of tanks and pose a threat to your own tanks. Even if it doesn't kill them, it outranges them and forces a retreat before they can cause too much damage - even if you have mechs, a lot of games can go south if medmechs just face-tank all the shocks/kovs, kill them slowly, and feed them way more points than you get for killing the shock/kov.

Soviet vehicle: V2 Launcher. What Totd said.

Aerial: Hind. Not as powerful overall as the longbow, but it's the Soviets' only armed scout (the only other things that are fast enough to pull that off are the chinook and minelayer) and recon is always nice to have. Plus it weeds out phases and artys nicely and makes a great complement to any anti-building assault.

Naval: Attack Sub, destroyer of worlds... and destroyers. Also a handy indestructible one-man transport if the enemy has no navy (except on HW gahhh Raap why you make beaches so steep)

Least favourite to balance: Gunboat :v

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Allied Infantry; Medic - I just like the MP5 he has. Healing is cool too.


Soviet Infantry; Shock Trooper - Had to think on it for a few moments but this unit can be quite versatile if you know how to use him well, plus I prefer the raw damage he has.


Allied Vehicles; Demo Truck - boom.


Soviet Vehicles; Demo Truck - more boom.


Aerial; Hind - I don't often purchase helicopters because they're a bit squishy in general but I'd go for the Hind since it has the ability to stay in combat for longer.


Naval; Missile Sub - Red October standing by! I just like it, looks cool.

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Allied Infantry; Tanya - for the anti-infantry.


Soviet Infantry; Shock Trooper - Just plain fun zapping vehicles.


Allied Vehicles; Minelayer - Scatter mines everywhere and watch the Soviets run into them :v . Demo truck as the runner-up.


Soviet Vehicles; Tesla Tank - Don't actually get to use this all that often, and even when I do it seems to die really quick. But it's fun to use, and good for clearing mines with engineer. Demo truck as runner-up, again.


Aerial; Longbow - It's fast and it kills stuff.


Naval; Attack Sub - Killing ships is fun.

Edited by delta
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Fun Facts:


Shock Trooper does the most DPS to buildings (MCT) and vehicles among all infantries, even Volkov (as long as he doesn't destroy vehicles before he reloads) given his long reload time. So if you plan to assault a base in mass via transport, shocks are the best choice. They also don't have to chose between fighting other infantries within buildings and damaging it.


Thieves can steal freshly purchased vehicles too. And is invisible on radar!

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Engineers can be quite useful, and undervalued.


I don't have any real favorites however. Each unit serves a purpose, some more significant than others to be fair.


I do have a least favorite unit; the Soviet Grenadier. I tried to use it, but the way the grenades work now pretty much guarantees your target can dodge the explosion in time. It is essentially only good at damaging buildings from a distance, something nearly any unit can do for less cost.

Edited by Raap
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Love rushing buildings with this guy. He's cheap, great against infantry and structures, and can destroy mines with ease. His right click fire action is a nice gamble cause sometimes it works on approaching infantry when I can pop out from behind a rock and cap them.



He's fast, uncrushable, and strong against vehicles and infantry. The all-purpose "Defend the Base!" unit.



I like sniping infantry, vehicles, defenses, and structures. The paper armor worries me sometimes, but I'll usually bring along certain infantry to counter the artillery-counter.


V2 Launcher

Same as artillery.


Missile Sub

Good against those pesky rocket soldiers. Just not worth anything against gun boats, but that's the risk we take I guess. Bring along an attack sub as cover!



Versatile, easy with the rocket load, great for defense and scouting on ridgewar, and an opportunist at finishing off damaged vehicles and defenses.

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Captain: Versatile, good all around unit.


Shock Trooper: Great against vehicles and buildings. Pretty decent against infantry too, but it takes some skill.


Artillery: As I am the person who likes to take out the base, this is a good unit. Also holds up somewhat decently in combat.


Tesla Tank: On it's own, great. With armored support, point-and-click adventure.


Attack Sub: I love surprising my enemies with some well placed holes in their botes. Fun times.


Longbow: I just like blowing up vehicles. Also holds it's own in the skies.

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Allied Infantry: Thief. Because I like wearing all black.


Soviet Infantry: RPG Trooper. Problem solvers the world over. I enjoy picking away at base defenses using the slight arc, and there's nothing like landing body shots against enemy infantry with the RPG.

Allied vehicle: Artillery. I have an affinity for the Siege role.
Soviet vehicle: V2 Launcher. V2 sniping Allied vehicles is oh so satisfying.
Aerial: Chinook. Round the boys up! We're going to wreck sh*t with "Ride of the Valkyries" on full blast!
Naval: LST. Foghorn all day every day.
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How can you pick a favourite when you're garbage with everything?

You'll figure out something, ask Pushw- ahem... "THE DEMIGOD OF APB" what your best unit is xD

I'm actually surprised that he told me the Phase Tank was my best unit, honestly its my second favorite now.... I like the all powerful Gunbote :doge:

smashing LST rushes on Hostile Waters..... MMMMMMM! MMMMHM!!! its great.... (love you FRAYDO) But, I don't get much use out of the GunRaft anywhere else since I tend to die from infantry very very very easily.

Just find a unit you like using, even if your total shit with it..... look at me, I can't aim to win myself a piece of paper...... unless its vehicle+vehicle combat.... I'm total balls at infantry combat.

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Unit ranks are not always good at pointing out your best units. Note that topic is about prefered stuff, so you select something what you feel best with, not something you got most kills on.




You'll figure out something, ask Pushw- ahem... "THE DEMIGOD OF APB" what your best unit is xD

Normally I would agree, but if a1ph4riu5 came out of hiding then I feel you'd see "that even a god king could bleed" (quote king leonidas).



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Allies: !swap

Sloviets: technician (V2)


Pls still have the kill string bug when this game finally finishes installing.

theshed? you're alive? :aaaaa:


Yeah and I'm staying this time.


This is why. http://w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/unitranks.php?nombre=&pagina=1&unidad=13


Allies: !swap

Sloviets: technician (V2)


Pls still have the kill string bug when this game finally finishes installing.


Welcome back.


Ty :D

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Allied infantry: Sergent in light tank
Allied Vehicle: Light tank
Soviet infantry: Grenadier in stolen light tank
Soviet Vehicle: Use a heavy tank to steal an unguarded light tank

Naval: Gunboat and land near the WF to make a light tank.


Seriously though, light tanks are fast, you can go back and forth annoyingly and people need to lead their shots well.

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